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1 | 4 |
Indigenous Kenyan Wind Instruments – stringed instruments
stringed instruments |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify string instruments from different indigenous communities in Kenya, Observe pictures of stringed instruments in Kenya. Develop curiosity on stringed instruments. |
What are some of the stringed instruments in Kenya?
Learner is guided to:
● watch videos/observe pictures or real string instruments from Kenya and are guided in identifying the instrument by name and community of origin,
● visit an institution or a cultural /resource center in the community to familiarize themselves with Kenyan indigenous string instruments
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.45-47 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.32 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
1 | 5 |
stringed instruments
stringed instruments |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify string instruments from different indigenous communities in Kenya, watch a video clip on stringed instruments in Kenya. Develop curiosity on stringed instruments. |
What are some of the stringed instruments in Kenya?
Learner is guided to:
● watch videos/observe pictures or real string instruments from Kenya and are guided in identifying the instrument by name and community of origin,
● visit an institution or a cultural /resource center in the community to familiarize themselves with Kenyan indigenous string instruments
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.45-47 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.32 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
1 | 6 |
Materials for making a stringed instrument
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify materials for making a fiddle assemble materials for making a string instrument, Develop curiosity on stringed instruments. |
Which locally available materials can be used to make a one or two string instrument?
● research and assemble tools and material from the locality for making a string instrument.
- membranes- leather/skin, canvas/fabric,
- resonators- cylindrical containers, carton materials, hollow wood, string
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.56-58 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.42 |
Observation schedule
Oral questions
2 | 1 |
Making a fiddle
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify materials for making a fiddle, make a fiddle using recyclable materials, Develop curiosity in making stringed instruments. |
How do we make a fiddle?
● make a fiddle observing safety while handling tools.
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.56-58 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.42 |
Observation schedule
Oral questions
2 | 2 |
Making a fiddle
Making a fiddle |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify materials for making a fiddle, make a fiddle using recyclable materials, Develop curiosity in making stringed instruments. |
How do we make a fiddle?
● make a fiddle observing safety while handling tools.
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.56-58 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.42 |
Observation schedule
Oral questions
2 | 3 |
Making a fiddle
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify materials for making a fiddle, make a fiddle using recyclable materials, Develop curiosity in making stringed instruments. |
How do we make a fiddle?
● make a fiddle observing safety while handling tools.
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.56-58 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.42 |
Observation schedule
Oral questions
2 | 4 |
Tuning a fiddle
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify the parts of a fiddle. Tune a fiddle as guided. Desire to tune a fiddle. |
How do we tune a fiddle?
● take turns to tune a fiddle guided by the teacher/resource person
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.50-53 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.36 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
2 | 5 |
Functions of parts of a string instrument.
Functions of parts of a string instrument. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
describe the functions of the parts of a string instrument, draw and colour the various parts of a string instrument. appraise our own and others' work. |
What are the functions of the parts of a fiddle?
● draw and name parts of a string instrument and describe the function(s) of each part,
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.48-49 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.35 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
2 | 6 |
Care and maintenance of string instruments
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name ways we can care and maintain string instruments. Care and maintain string instruments. Appreciate the importance of caring and maintaining string instruments. |
What is the importance of caring and maintaining string instruments?
● in groups are guided on how to care for and maintain a string instrument and discuss the importance of doing so,
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.53-56 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.39 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
3 | 1 |
Care and maintenance of string instruments
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name ways we can care and maintain string instruments. Care and maintain string instruments. Appreciate the importance of caring and maintaining string instruments. |
What is the importance of caring and maintaining string instruments?
● in groups are guided on how to care for and maintain a string instrument and discuss the importance of doing so,
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device,
Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.53-56 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.39 |
Observation schedule
Assessment rubric
Rating scale
3 | 2 |
Drawing still life composition of string instruments by stippling technique
Drawing still life composition of string instruments by stippling technique |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the meaning of stippling technique draw a still-life composition of string instruments using stippling technique, appraise our own and others' work. |
What is stippling technique?
● draw a still-life composition of 2 percussion instruments using stippling technique with emphasis on: overlapping, balance of forms,
tone/ texture,
● finish the picture using window mounting technique,
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.1-3 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.1-3 |
Question and answer
3 | 3 |
Aspects of overlapping in still life drawing
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify aspects of overlapping in still life drawing. mount pictures of string instruments for display using window mounting technique appraise our own and others' work. |
Why is overlapping necessary in still-life drawing?
● research and identify aspects of overlapping in still life drawing (positioning, number of forms,
● value others’ ideas as they talk about their own and others displayed work.
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.1-3 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.1-3 |
Question and answer
3 | 4 |
Under-arm service
Under-arm service |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain under-arm service in volleyball. execute the under-arm service in volleyball for skills acquisition, value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
How is the game of volleyball played?
Learner is guided to:
● demonstrate the under-arm service and dig pass (Observe the stance, grip, execution, and follow through),
Open places or marked soccer
pitch, ICT devices, Exercise books, magazines, internet devices. KLB Visionary Grd 6 TG pg. 55-58 KLB Visionary Grd 6 Learners Bk. pg. 84-86 |
Oral Questions. Observation.
3 | 5 |
Dig pass
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain dig pass in volleyball. execute the dig pass in volleyball for skills acquisition, chant French rhythm names in a warm up activity, value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
How is the game of volleyball played?
● practise the skills of underarm service and dig pass in a mini game
● recite French rhythm names (ta-te, taa, taa-aa, taaaa-aa-aa) in a warm up activity following a given pattern and tempo
Open places or marked soccer,pitch, ICT devices, Exercise
books, magazines, internet devices. KLB Visionary Grd 6 TG pg.52-55 KLB Visionary Grd 6 Learners Bk. pg. 80-83 |
Oral Questions.
3 | 6 |
Applique technique
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain the meaning of the term applique, label volleyball playing kit using the applique technique, appreciate the importance of applique technique in drawing. |
What is applique technique?
● use the applique technique to label a volleyball playing kit with emphasis on;
- choice of material
- colour contrast
- stitching or pasting method
- positioning
A pair of scissors , pencils, ruler, piece of hard paper such as manila
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 62-63 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 75-78 |
Question and answer
4 | 1 |
Applique technique
Applique technique |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain the meaning of the term applique, label volleyball playing kit using the applique technique, appreciate the importance of applique technique in drawing. |
What is applique technique?
● use the applique technique to label a volleyball playing kit with emphasis on;
- choice of material
- colour contrast
- stitching or pasting method
- positioning
A pair of scissors , pencils, ruler, piece of hard paper such as manila
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 62-63 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 75-78 |
Question and answer
4 | 2 |
Applique technique
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain the meaning of the term applique, label volleyball playing kit using the applique technique, appreciate the importance of applique technique in drawing. |
What is applique technique?
● use the applique technique to label a volleyball playing kit with emphasis on;
- choice of material
- colour contrast
- stitching or pasting method
- positioning
A pair of scissors , pencils, ruler, piece of hard paper such as manila
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 62-63 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 75-78 |
Question and answer
4 | 3 |
Materials for drawing
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify locally available materials for drawing, observe pictures of drawing materials. appreciate the importance of drawing materials. |
What are the sources of natural dyes?
● search the environment for recyclable paper/drawing surfaces (newsprint, packaging papers, sugar paper, brown papers, tracing papers),
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.5-6 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.5-7 |
Question and answer
4 | 4 |
Materials for drawing
Materials for drawing |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify locally available materials for drawing, observe pictures of drawing materials. appreciate the importance of drawing materials. assemble locally available materials for drawing. |
What are the sources of natural dyes?
● search the environment for recyclable paper/drawing surfaces (newsprint, packaging papers, sugar paper,
brown papers, tracing papers),
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.5-6 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.5-7 |
Question and answer
4 | 5 |
Tracing pictures
Tracing pictures |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify pictures of skills in netball, trace the pictures and cut out templates value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
How do we trace and cut out templates?
● source virtual or actual pictures of players executing skills in netball (dig pass and underarm service),
● trace the pictures and cut-out templates,
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.5-6 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.5-7 |
Question and answer
4 | 6 |
Tracing pictures
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify pictures of skills in netball, trace the pictures and cut out templates value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
How do we trace and cut out templates?
● source virtual or actual pictures of players executing skills in netball (dig pass and underarm service),
● trace the pictures and cut-out templates,
Internet, digital devices, pencils, sharpener, drawing book, samples
Spotlight Art & Craft Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.5-6 Spotlight Art & Craft Act. Learner’s book. Grd 6 Pg.5-7 |
Question and answer
5 | 1 |
Creating pictures using block shading technique
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
describe block shading technique. create a picture of a players executing volleyball skills using block shading technique, value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
What is block shading technique?
● Use the template to draw an outline of players executing a skill in volleyball
Plain papers, rulers, pencils, crayons, paint brushes, water colours, poster
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 59-60 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 70-71 |
Question and answer
5 | 2 |
Creating pictures using block shading technique
Creating pictures using block shading technique |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
describe block shading technique. create a picture of a players executing volleyball skills using block shading technique, value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
What is block shading technique?
● Use the template to draw an outline of players executing a skill in volleyball
Plain papers, rulers, pencils, crayons, paint brushes, water colours, poster
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 59-60 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 70-71 |
Question and answer
5 | 3 |
Creating pictures using block shading technique
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
describe block shading technique. create a picture of a players executing volleyball skills using block shading technique, value the skills of underarm pass and dig passes in a mini game of volleyball. |
What is block shading technique?
● block-shade the pictures using appropriate media contrasting with the background (pencils, charcoal, chalk, crayons),
● display the pictures for appraising own and others' work.
Plain papers, rulers, pencils, crayons, paint brushes, water colours, poster
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 59-60 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 70-71 |
Question and answer
5 | 4 |
Composing rhythm
Identifying words with French rhythm names
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
interpret rhythmic patterns using french rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te, taa-aa-aaaa, identify words with French rhythm names appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
Learner is guided to:
● listen to /sing familiar songs and are guided in identifying words with the French rhythm names taa, ta-te, taa-aa, taa-aa-aa-aa,
Percussion music instruments
Flash cards Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.84-90 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.63 |
Oral questions
5 | 5 |
Composing rhythm
Identifying words with French rhythm names
Identifying words with French rhythm names |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
interpret rhythmic patterns using french rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te, taa-aa-aaaa, identify words with French rhythm names appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
Learner is guided to:
● listen to /sing familiar songs and are guided in identifying words with the French rhythm names taa, ta-te, taa-aa, taa-aa-aa-aa,
Percussion music instruments
Flash cards Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.84-90 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.63 |
Oral questions
5 | 6 |
Composing rhythm
Identifying words with French rhythm names
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
interpret rhythmic patterns using french rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te, taa-aa-aaaa, identify words with French rhythm names appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
● in groups or individually clap/tap/stamp rhythms of a familiar songs while reciting the French
rhythm names,
Percussion music instruments
Flash cards Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.84-90 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.63 |
Oral questions
6 | 1 |
Composing rhythm
Identifying words with French rhythm names
Creating rhythmic patterns |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
interpret rhythmic patterns using french rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te, taa-aa-aaaa, identify words with French rhythm names appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. name the techniques used in creating rhythms. compose a simple rhythmic pattern using the French rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te,taaaa-aa-aa, |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
Why create rhythm in different beat patterns? |
● listen to/watch/perform familiar songs with taaaa-aa-aa, taa-aa, taa, ta-te and clap/tap the rhythm,
Percussion music instruments
Flash cards Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.84-90 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.63 Percussion, music instruments Flash cards, Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.98-100 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.73 |
Oral questions
6 | 2 |
Composing rhythm
Creating rhythmic patterns
Creating rhythmic patterns |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name the techniques used in creating rhythms. compose a simple rhythmic pattern using the French rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te,taaaa-aa-aa, appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
Why create rhythm in different beat patterns?
● apply various techniques (repetition of note values, variation of note values, ending) to create rhythmic patterns using a combination of French
rhythm names of semibreve, minim crotchet, and quaver
(N.B observe integrity in producing original rhythmic patterns),
Percussion, music instruments
Flash cards, Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.98-100 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.73 Flash cards, Charts, |
Oral questions
6 | 3 |
Composing rhythm
Creating rhythmic patterns
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name the techniques used in creating rhythms. compose a simple rhythmic pattern using the French rhythm names taa, taa-aa, ta-te,taaaa-aa-aa, appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
Why create rhythm in different beat patterns?
● use digital resources to further their skills of creating rhythms,
● share created rhythms with peers for feedback,
Percussion, music instruments
Flash cards, Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.98-100 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.73 |
Oral questions
6 | 4 |
Composing rhythm
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain the meaning of collage. create a newspaper collage composition based on music performance, develop curiosity In crating collage |
How do we create a collage?
● explore actual or virtual samples of collage pictorial composition with emphasis;
- meaning of collage technique
- characteristics of collage
● collect and prepare varied suitable materials to be used in making collage with focus on:
- texture and colour of the materials,
- improvised / artificial adhesives,
- support,
Digital devices
Samples of collages having landscape pictorial features, samples of materials for making collage Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 25 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 34-36 |
Question and answer
6 | 5 |
Composing rhythm
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain the meaning of collage. create a newspaper collage composition based on music performance, develop curiosity In crating collage |
How do we create a collage?
● in groups, produce a collage pictorial composition based on musical performance putting into account;
- sketching on the support,
- pasting materials
- colour/texture variation
- neatening/ finishing
Samples of collages having landscape pictorial features, samples of materials for making collage
Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 25 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 34-36 |
Question and answer
6 | 6 |
Composing rhythm
Melodies in three and four beat time patterns
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify melodies in three and four beat time patterns, improvise rhythms in three and four beat patterns on a percussion instrument, appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
How do we improvise rhythms?
● listen to songs and identify songs in three and four beat patterns,
● in groups and individually, imitate short rhythms of melodies in three and four beat time patterns
displayed on flash cards,
Percussion music
instruments Flash cards, Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.101-104 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.76 |
Oral questions
7 | 1 |
Composing rhythm
Improvising short rhythms
Improvising short rhythms |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
identify melodies in three and four beat time patterns, improvise rhythms in three and four beat patterns on a percussion instrument, appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. |
How do we improvise rhythms?
● take turns to improvise short rhythms in three and four beat patterns using percussion instruments,
● use different colours (contrasting colours) to mark the strong and weak beats of rhythms in three and four beat patterns,
● share the work with peers for critique and feedback for improvement
Percussion music
instruments Flash cards, Charts, recording devices Spotlight Music Act. TG. Grd 6 Pg.105-109 Spotlight Music Act. Learners Book Grd 6 Pg.80 |
Oral questions
7 | 2 |
Samples of woven items
Samples of woven items |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name samples of woven items made using twill weave. Observe pictures of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave. Appreciate the importance of woven items. |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Learner is guided to;
● watch and analyze, virtual and actual
samples of woven items done using 2/2
twill weave,
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 29 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 42 |
Question and answer
7 | 3 |
Samples of woven items
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
name samples of woven items made using twill weave. Observe pictures of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave. Appreciate the importance of woven items. |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Learner is guided to;
● watch and analyze, virtual and actual
samples of woven items done using 2/2
twill weave,
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 29 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 42 |
Question and answer
7 | 4 |
Materials for weaving a mat
Materials for weaving a mat |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify materials for weaving a mat. Assemble locally available materials for weaving a mat. Appreciate collecting materials for weaving a mat. |
What materials can we use to weave a mat?
● collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving mat, (yarns from old woven items, polythene materials, fibres among others)
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 30-32 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 42-43 |
Question and answer
7 | 5 |
Making a wooden frame loom using mitre joints
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
List safety measures when using tools, Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints. appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
How do we make a wooden frame loom?
● make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints,
(NB: observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame)
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 33-34 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 43-44 |
Question and answer
7 | 6 |
Making a wooden frame loom using mitre joints
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
List safety measures when using tools, Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints. appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
How do we make a wooden frame loom?
● make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints,
(NB: observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame)
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 33-34 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 43-44 |
Question and answer
8 |
Mid Term Break and Assessment |
9 | 1 |
Making a small floor mat (twill weave 2/2) using frame loom
Making a small floor mat (twill weave 2/2) using frame loom |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain how we can weave using 2/2 twill technique weave a floor mat using 2/2 twill technique to be used for gymnastics performance, appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
What is 2/2 twill technique?
● individually, weave a small floor mat
(1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques,
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 34-36 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 44-46 |
Question and answer
9 | 2 |
Making a small floor mat (twill weave 2/2) using frame loom
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain how we can weave using 2/2 twill technique weave a floor mat using 2/2 twill technique to be used for gymnastics performance, appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
What is 2/2 twill technique?
● individually, weave a small floor mat
(1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques,
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 34-36 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 44-46 |
Question and answer
9 | 3 |
Making a small floor mat (twill weave 2/2) using frame loom
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
explain how we can weave using 2/2 twill technique weave a floor mat using 2/2 twill technique to be used for gymnastics performance, appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
What is 2/2 twill technique?
● In groups, stitch the small pieces together to make a large floor mat for gymnastics with emphasis on;
- type of finishing stitch,
- colour pattern and, - texture)
● display and positively critique each other’s woven items for reflective feedback,
Cutting tools
Sisal stripping tools, weaving materials, maize stalk, reeds and twigs Bookmark Art and Craft Learners Bk. Grade 5 Pg. 34-36 Bookmark Art and Craft Grade 5 TG Pg. 44-46 |
Question and answer
9 | 4 |
Creating and Execution
Composing rhythm
Composing rhythm |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Listen to songs and identify songs in three and four beat patterns. Imitate short rhythms of melodies in three and four beat time patterns displayed on flash cards Appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. Identify songs in three and four beat patterns Take turns to improvise short rhythms in three and four beat patterns using percussion 18 instruments Appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Listen to songs and identify songs in three and four beat patterns. Imitate short rhythms of melodies in three and four beat time patterns displayed on flash cards Identify songs in three and four beat patterns Take turns to improvise short rhythms in three and four beat patterns using percussion 18 instruments |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device Pictures, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
9 | 5 |
Creating and Execution
Composing rhythm
Composing rhythm |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Listen to songs and identify songs in three and four beat patterns Use different colours (contrasting colours) to mark the strong and weak beats of rhythms in three and four beat patterns. Appreciate rhythmic patterns created by self and others. Share the work with peers for critique and feedback for improvement. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Listen to songs and identify songs in three and four beat patterns Use different colours (contrasting colours) to mark the strong and weak beats of rhythms in three and four beat patterns. Share the work with peers for critique and feedback for improvement. |
How are French rhythm names used to create rhythmic patterns?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
9 | 6 |
Creating and Execution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Watch and analyse, virtual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (yarns from old woven items) Observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Watch and analyse, virtual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (yarns from old woven items) Observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame. |
How does sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 1 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Watch and analyse, actual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (polythene materials) Observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame. Watch and analyse, virtual and actual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (fibres among others) Observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Watch and analyse, actual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (polythene materials) Observe hygiene and safety measures while picking and preparing found materials, using sharp tools while making the frame. Watch and analyse, virtual and actual samples of woven items done using 2/2 twill weave Collect and prepare recyclable materials from the local environment for weaving a mat, (fibres among others) |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 2 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques Appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 3 |
Creating and Execution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques Appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 4 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques Appreciate own and peers’ woven mats used for gymnastics performance. Stitch the small pieces together to make a large floor mat for gymnastics with emphasis on; - type of finishing stitch, colour pattern and texture in groups. Display and positively critique each others woven items for reflective feedback. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Make a wooden frame loom using mitre joints Weave a small floor mat individually (1x1ft) for gymnastics performance using (twill weave 2/2) on a frame loom with emphasis on colour variation and finishing techniques Stitch the small pieces together to make a large floor mat for gymnastics with emphasis on; - type of finishing stitch, colour pattern and texture in groups. |
How does sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 5 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance |
How does sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
10 | 6 |
Creating and Execution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance |
How does sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 1 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Enjoy taking a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Demonstrate the gymnastics skills (cartwheel, balances and rolls) to create a 3-phase sequence performance on a woven mat. Practise a 3-phase sequence of a roll, a balance and/or cartwheel on a mat while observing safety. Observe safety as they perform rolls, balances and cartwheel to form a 3-phase sequence of a gymnastic performance Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Take a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 2 |
Creating and Execution
Gymnastics |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Enjoy taking a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Take a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 3 |
Creating and Execution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Enjoy taking a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Discuss how sequencing in gymnastics foster creativity Perform the 3-phase gymnastics sequence accompanied by a percussion instrumental ensemble. Take a video and comment on each other’s gymnastic performance and give constructive feedback. |
Why is recycling beneficial to the environment?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 4 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Discuss how one can create interesting melodies Sing solfa syllable d r m f s l t d’ ascending and descending with accuracy in pitch. Have fun singing the solfa syllables (d-d’) using la and vowel sounds ascending and descending |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Discuss how one can create interesting melodies Sing solfa syllable d r m f s l t d’ ascending and descending with accuracy in pitch. Sing the solfa syllables (d-d’) using la and vowel sounds ascending and descending Sing solfa syllable d r m f s l t d’ ascending and descending with accuracy in pitch. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 5 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Discuss how one can create interesting melodies Sing solfa syllable d r m f s l t d’ ascending and descending with accuracy in pitch. Have fun singing the solfa syllables (d-d’) using la and vowel sounds ascending and descending. Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. Appreciate melodies created by self and others. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Discuss how one can create interesting melodies Sing solfa syllable d r m f s l t d’ ascending and descending with accuracy in pitch. Sing the solfa syllables (d-d’) using la and vowel sounds ascending and descending. Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
11 | 6 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. Appreciate melodies created by self and others. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 1 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. Appreciate melodies created by self and others. Practice singing and performing the sol-fa ladder using Kodaly hand signs. Perform melodies within d-d’ using hand signs. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Imitate solfa pitches sung or played on a melodic instrument for pitch discrimination. Listen to, aurally recognise sol-fa sounds and sing familiar songs within the d-d’ range using solfa syllables. Practice singing and performing the sol-fa ladder using Kodaly hand signs. Perform melodies within d-d’ using hand signs. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 2 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Practice singing and performing the sol-fa ladder using Kodaly hand signs. Perform melodies within d-d’ using hand signs. Appreciate melodies created by self and others. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Practice singing and performing the sol-fa ladder using Kodaly hand signs. Perform melodies within d-d’ using hand signs. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 3 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Draw hand signs and write their corresponding solfa syllables. Compose simple melodies based on solfa syllables d r m f s l t d’ using narrow leaps (thirds), stepwise motion, repetition, variation and appropriate ending). Appreciate melodies created by self and others. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Draw hand signs and write their corresponding solfa syllables. Compose simple melodies based on solfa syllables d r m f s l t d’ using narrow leaps (thirds), stepwise motion, repetition, variation and appropriate ending). |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 4 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Draw hand signs and write their corresponding solfa syllables. Compose simple melodies based on solfa syllables d r m f s l t d’ using narrow leaps (thirds), stepwise motion, repetition, variation and appropriate ending). Appreciate melodies created by self and others. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Draw hand signs and write their corresponding solfa syllables. Compose simple melodies based on solfa syllables d r m f s l t d’ using narrow leaps (thirds), stepwise motion, repetition, variation and appropriate ending). |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 5 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
Composing melody |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Use calligraphy lettering to add sol-fa syllables to created rhythms to form a melody. Sing own and others’ created melodies. Have fun recording and presenting the created melodies to peers for appraisal and improvement. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Use calligraphy lettering to add sol-fa syllables to created rhythms to form a melody. Sing own and others’ created melodies. Record and present the created melodies to peers for appraisal and improvement. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
12 | 6 |
Creating and Execution
Composing melody
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Use calligraphy lettering to add sol-fa syllables to created rhythms to form a melody. Sing own and others’ created melodies. Have fun recording and presenting the created melodies to peers for appraisal and improvement. |
In groups, pairs or individually learners are guided to:
Use calligraphy lettering to add sol-fa syllables to created rhythms to form a melody. Sing own and others’ created melodies. Record and present the created melodies to peers for appraisal and improvement. |
How can one create interesting melodies?
Creative Arts Curriculum Design Grade 6
Pictures, audio recording, digital devices, sheet music, pitching device |
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
Written exercise
13 |
End of Term Assessment and Revision |
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