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Opening of School and Revision Of End Term 1 Exams

2 1
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

To differentiate between health and disease.
To explain importance of keeping animals healthy.

Q/A: Health and disease; and their economic importance.
KLB BK II Pg 115-6
2 2
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

To differentiate between health and disease.
To explain importance of keeping animals healthy.

Q/A: Health and disease; and their economic importance.
KLB BK II Pg 115-6
2 3
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Signs of good health.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain signs that help to identify a healthy animal.
Discussion: Physical appearance, physiological body functions and morphological conditions of the animal body.

different animals
KLB BK II Pg 116-8
2 3-4
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Signs of good health.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain signs that help to identify a healthy animal.
Discussion: Physical appearance, physiological body functions and morphological conditions of the animal body.

different animals
KLB BK II Pg 116-8

Opener Exams

4 1
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Predisposing factors of animal diseases. Causes of animal diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To identify and explain predisposing factors of animal diseases.

To describe causes of animal diseases.
Q/A & Detailed discussion.

Detailed description of nutritional causes, physical causes and chemical causes.

KLB BK II Pg 119-120
4 2
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Bacterial animal diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To identify bacterial diseases of livestock.
Detailed discussion of bacterial diseases and their control.
Chart: Bacterial diseases, causal organism and animals affected.
KLB BK II Pg 122-124
4 3
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Bacterial animal diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To identify bacterial diseases of livestock.
Detailed discussion of bacterial diseases and their control.
Chart: Bacterial diseases, causal organism and animals affected.
KLB BK II Pg 122-124
4 4
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Viral animal diseases. Protozoan diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To list down viral diseases of livestock.

To list down protozoan diseases of livestock.
Detailed discussion of viral diseases and their control.

Detailed discussion of protozoan diseases and their control.
Chart: Viral diseases, causal organism and animals affected.

Chart: protozoan diseases, causal organism and animals affected.
KLB BK II Pg 125-6
5 1
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Management of diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain general methods of diseases control.
Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases.
Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation / slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control, e.t.c.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 125-8
5 2
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Management of diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain general methods of diseases control.
Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases.
Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation / slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control, e.t.c.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 125-8
5 3
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Management of diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain general methods of diseases control.
Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases.
Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation / slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control, e.t.c.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 125-8
5 4
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Management of diseases.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To explain general methods of diseases control.
Q/A: Control of nutritional diseases.
Discussion: Importance of proper housing, isolation / slaughtering of sick animals, imposition of quarantine, prophylaxis, vaccination, vector control, e.t.c.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 125-8
6 1
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Handling livestock.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock.
Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting, e.t.c.
Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e. drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying.
Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides.
student booK
KLB BK II Pg 129-131
6 2
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Handling livestock.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock.
Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting, e.t.c.
Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e. drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying.
Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides.
student booK
KLB BK II Pg 129-131
6 3
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Handling livestock.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock.
Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting, e.t.c.
Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e. drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying.
Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides.
student booK
KLB BK II Pg 129-131
6 4
LIVESTOCK HEALTH I (introduction to livestock health)
Handling livestock.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe appropriate methods of handling livestock.
Q/A: Handling of animals during treatment, milking, inspecting, e.t.c.
Discussion: Other activities necessitating proper handling of animals, i.e. drenching, injecting, controlling mastitis, hand spraying.
Q/A: Sites that should be sprayed with acarides.
student booK
KLB BK II Pg 129-131
7 1
Effects of parasites on animals.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

To describe host-parasite relationship.
To identify effects of parasites on livestock.

Q/A: Definition of a host, parasite.
Brief discussion and give specific examples.

illustrative charts
KLB BK II Pg 133-4
7 2
Tse-tse fly.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe parasitic effects of tse-tse fly.
To explain methods of control of tse-tse fly.
Q/A: Disease transmitted by tse-tse fly; and methods of control of tse-tse fly.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 134-5
7 3
Tse-tse fly.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe parasitic effects of tse-tse fly.
To explain methods of control of tse-tse fly.
Q/A: Disease transmitted by tse-tse fly; and methods of control of tse-tse fly.
student book
KLB BK II Pg 134-5
7 4
Keds, fleas and lice.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe harmful effects of keds, fleas and lice on livestock.
Brief discussion.
Q/A: Methods of controlling ectoparasites.
illustrative diagrams of parasites
KLB BK II Pg 135-7
8 1
Ticks. One-host tick.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To list down effects of ticks on livestock.

To describe the life cycle of one-host tick.
Q/A: Harmful effects of ticks.

Chart-Life cycle oF one-host tick.  illustrative diagrams of parasites
KLB BK II Pg 138-140
8 2
Ticks. One-host tick.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To list down effects of ticks on livestock.

To describe the life cycle of one-host tick.
Q/A: Harmful effects of ticks.

Chart-Life cycle oF one-host tick.  illustrative diagrams of parasites
KLB BK II Pg 138-140
8 3
Ticks. One-host tick.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To list down effects of ticks on livestock.

To describe the life cycle of one-host tick.
Q/A: Harmful effects of ticks.

Chart-Life cycle oF one-host tick.  illustrative diagrams of parasites
KLB BK II Pg 138-140
8 4
Two-host tick. Three-host tick. Tick control.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe the life cycle of two-host tick.

To describe the life cycle of twice-host tick.

To explain measures of controlling ticks.
Exposition and explanations.
Represent the life cycles diagrammatically.

Detailed discussion
Chart-Life cycles of ticks.  illustrative diagrams of parasites
KLB BK II Pg 141-3

Midterm Exams and Half Term Break

10 1
The tapeworm (Taenia spp).
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe characteristic features of tapeworm.
To identify symptoms of attack by tapeworm.
Exposition: Labelling a tapeworm/ Observing a preserved specimen of a tapeworm.
illustrative diagrams of parasites
PKLB BK II g 144
10 2
The tapeworm (Taenia spp).
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe characteristic features of tapeworm.
To identify symptoms of attack by tapeworm.
Exposition: Labelling a tapeworm/ Observing a preserved specimen of a tapeworm.
illustrative diagrams of parasites
PKLB BK II g 144
10 3
Lifecycle of a tapeworm.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe the lifecycle of a tapeworm.
To state control measures of tapeworms in livestock.
Exposition and explanations of the life cycle.
Q/A and brief discussion.
Chart- Life cycle of a pork tapeworm.
KLB BK II Pg 147-8
10 3-4
Lifecycle of a tapeworm.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
To describe the lifecycle of a tapeworm.
To state control measures of tapeworms in livestock.
Exposition and explanations of the life cycle.
Q/A and brief discussion.
Chart- Life cycle of a pork tapeworm.
KLB BK II Pg 147-8



End Term Exams and Closing of School

Your Name Comes Here

