
Grade 8 2025

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1 1
THEME;HUMAN RIGHTS. Listening and Speaking.
Polite Language; Telephone Etiquette.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify polite words and phrases in telephone conversations.
Conduct a telephone conversation using polite words and expressions.
Acknowledge the significance of etiquette in telephone conversations.
In pairs or groups, learners are guided to;
Listen and identify words and phrases that indicate polite language in a telephone conversation from a digital device
Role play a telephone dialogue on human rights using polite language.
Practise leaving and taking telephone messages over the phone using polite language in the caller card.
Why should one be polite when speaking over the telephone? How do we ensure politeness in a telephone conversation?
Skills in English pg 1-3.
Digital devices.
Recorded telephone conversations.
Role play. Dialogues. Oral presentations. Oral interview.
1 2
Extensive reading; Independent Reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify print and non-print texts that are interesting to read.
Read a range of texts for information from books or internet.
Appreciate the importance of independent reading.
Individually, in pairs, learners are guided to;
Skim through appropriate print and electronic reading material and write down the main idea in each text.
Scan through the text. Identify and write down unfamiliar words.
Use dictionary to look up the meaning of vocabulary acquired from the independent reading.
Construct sentences about human rights using the new words learnt.
Why should one read widely? What should one consider when selecting a reading material?
Skills in English pg 3-6.
Digital texts.
Learner summaries of what they read. Keeping a record of books read. Reading aloud. Learner
1 3
Extensive reading; Independent Reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify print and non-print texts that are interesting to read.
Read a range of texts for information from books or internet.
Appreciate the importance of independent reading.
Individually, in pairs, learners are guided to;
Skim through appropriate print and electronic reading material and write down the main idea in each text.
Scan through the text. Identify and write down unfamiliar words.
Use dictionary to look up the meaning of vocabulary acquired from the independent reading.
Construct sentences about human rights using the new words learnt.
Why should one read widely? What should one consider when selecting a reading material?
Skills in English pg 3-6.
Digital texts.
Learner summaries of what they read. Keeping a record of books read. Reading aloud. Learner
1 4
Grammar in Use.
Compound Nouns.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
State the meaning of compound noun and give examples.
Identify compound nouns in a text.
Use compound nouns in their singular and plural forms to construct sentences.
Appreciate the importance of compound nouns in communication.
In pairs,groups or individually,learners are guided to;
Listen to an audio recording on human rights,identify and list the compound nouns in the recording.
Categorise compound nouns into two word or three word nouns from a given list.
Search online or in books for more examples of compound nouns and list them.
Construct sentences using compound nouns in their singular and plural forms.
What is a compound noun? How do compound nouns form plurals? Why should we use compound nouns when communicating?
Skills in English pg 7-9.
Digital devices.
Written texts. Oral questions. Peer assessment.
1 5
Writing legibly and neatly.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Classify letters according to height differentials.
Write texts legibly and neatly in their notebooks.
Advocate the need for legibility and neatness writing.
Individually or in pairs,learners are guided to;
Write the letters of the alphabet in capital and small letters.
Group the letters according to height.
Write dictated sentences legibly and neatly.
Copy a provided text and shape the letters appropriately.
Write a narrative composition on human rights legibly and neatly.
Cancel neatly upon making mistakes /incorrect words.
Why should one write legibly and neatly? What are the qualities of a good handwriting?
Skills in English pg 13-14.
Chart. With alphabets.
Peer assessment. Dictation. Standardized writing assessment. Portifolio. Self-assessment.
2 1
Short Stories.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Outline the sequence of events in a short story that they have read.
Draw a chart to show the sequence of events in the story read.
Ackowledge the role of reading in communication.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Predict events by focusing on the title and illustrations in a text.
Silently read the short story in learners book.
Outline the main events in the story in the learners book in the correct sequence.
Draw a chart to show the sequence of the events.
Retell the story while citing issues on human rights.
How can you predict the outcome of a story even before you read it?
Skills in English pg 10-12.
Reading silently & aloud. Learner summaries of what they read.
2 2
Short Stories.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use contextual clues to infer the meanings of words.
Answer direct and inferential questions from a short story.
Acknowledge the role and importance of short stories to a learner.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
Infer contextual meanings of words based on the events in the story.
Find the meaning of words and phrases as used in the story The diplomat.
Discuss the relationships between their own lives and those characters in the text.
How do you tell the meaning of unfamiliar words in a story?
Skills in English pg 12.
Question and answers. Peer assessment.
2 3
Short Stories.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use contextual clues to infer the meanings of words.
Answer direct and inferential questions from a short story.
Acknowledge the role and importance of short stories to a learner.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
Infer contextual meanings of words based on the events in the story.
Find the meaning of words and phrases as used in the story The diplomat.
Discuss the relationships between their own lives and those characters in the text.
How do you tell the meaning of unfamiliar words in a story?
Skills in English pg 12.
Question and answers. Peer assessment.
2 4
Collective Nouns.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Define the term collective noun and cite examples.
Identify collective nouns from a text.
Classify collective nouns according to people,animals or things.
Appreciate the importance of collective nouns in communication.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
List the collective nouns as they listen to an audio text.
Identify collective nouns in a print text.
Classify collective nouns according to people,animals or things.
Search the internet or books for texts that have collective nouns and list them down.
Construct sentences using collective nouns identified from the search.
What are the different types of nouns? What are collective nouns?
Skills in English pg 22-23.
Print texts.
Magazines or newspapers.
Written texts. Oral questions. Matching tasks.
2 5
Listening and Speaking.
Oral Presentation;Songs.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the features of songs.
Discuss the features of songs.
Sing the song in learners book in a tune of choice.
Appreciate the special features of songs.
In pairs,groups,learners are guided to;
Watch recordings of songs from Kenya drama and music festivals.
Read individually the song Our beautiful bride
On learners book and identify the features of songs.
Discuss the features of songs.
Search the internet for more information about features of songs.
Which type of songs do you enjoy listening to? What are some of the features of songs? What makes songs interesting?
Skills in English pg 16-17
Oral discussions Oral presentations. Checklists. Written texts.
3 1
Grammar in Use.
Collective Nouns.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Explain how collective nouns form their plurals.
Use singular and plural forms of collective nouns correctly in sentences.
Individually,in pairs ,learners are guided to;
Discuss how collective nouns form their plurals.
Construct correct sentences using collective nouns from substitution tables.
Fill in blanks spaces and crossword puzzles using correct collective nouns.
How do collective nouns form their plurals?
Skills in English pg 23-24.
Word puzzles.
Written texts. Puzzles. Substitution tables. Matching tables. Checklists.
3 2
Grammar in Use.
Collective Nouns.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Explain how collective nouns form their plurals.
Use singular and plural forms of collective nouns correctly in sentences.
Individually,in pairs ,learners are guided to;
Discuss how collective nouns form their plurals.
Construct correct sentences using collective nouns from substitution tables.
Fill in blanks spaces and crossword puzzles using correct collective nouns.
How do collective nouns form their plurals?
Skills in English pg 23-24.
Word puzzles.
Written texts. Puzzles. Substitution tables. Matching tables. Checklists.
3 3
Listening and Speaking.
Oral Presentations; Songs.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Outline the performance technique of songs.
Use performance techniques when presenting songs.
Write songs on Scientific Innovation.
Appreciate the role of songs in the society.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Watch recording of songs from kenya drama and music festivals.
Discuss the performance techniques that make the presentations appealing.
Identify songs of their choice and present it to the rest of the learners using performance techniques.
Write songs on scientific innovations.
Sing and record the songs on a tablet.
What makes songs interesting? How can one improve the presentation of a song?
Skills in English pg 17-18
Oral presentations. Oral discussions. Checklists..
3 4
Intensive Reading. Simple Poems.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the persona in a given poem.
Search the internet or books for more information about the persona.
Recite the poem in learners book using gestures,facial expressions and movement.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Read the poem Challenges are opportunities.
Identify and discuss the voices in the poem.
Recite the poem and use facial expressions,gestures.
Search from internet or books for more information about persona and share their findings.
Who is a persona in a poem? How is a poem different from a passage?
Skills in English pg 19-20.
Digital devices.
Oral discussions. Oral presentations. Checklists. Written texts.
3 5
Intensive Reading; Simple Poems.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify instances of repetition in a given poem.
Explain what the poem is about.
Appreciate the role of poems in communication.
In pairs,individually,groups,learners are guided to;
Identify the words or phrases repeated in the poem in learners book and other poems.
Discuss what the poem is about and present in class.
Explain words,phrases and sentences that help one understand the surface and deeper meaning of a poem
How can you say what is in the poem using your own words? Why are words or phrases repeated in poems?
Skills in English pg 20-21.
Oral discussions. Written texs. Checklists.
4 1
Mechanics of Writings; Punctuation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Outline the uses of comma,apostrophe and capital letter.
Punctuate a given text using commas,apostrophes and capital letters correctly.
Use the apostrophe,comma and capital letter appropriately in composition writing.
Advocate the use of correct punctuation in writing.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
List the uses of capital letter,comma and apostrophe.
Read a given text and take note of the commas,apostrophe and capital letter used and explain how they are used.
Punctuate a passage correctly using commas,apostrophes and capital letters.
Write a short composition on scientific innovation and use commas,apostrophe and capital letters appropriately.
Why should a text be well punctuated? How does wrong punctuation affect writing?
Skills in English pg 29-30.
Digital devices.
Peer assessment Written text. Checklists.
4 2
Mechanics of Writings; Punctuation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Outline the uses of comma,apostrophe and capital letter.
Punctuate a given text using commas,apostrophes and capital letters correctly.
Use the apostrophe,comma and capital letter appropriately in composition writing.
Advocate the use of correct punctuation in writing.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
List the uses of capital letter,comma and apostrophe.
Read a given text and take note of the commas,apostrophe and capital letter used and explain how they are used.
Punctuate a passage correctly using commas,apostrophes and capital letters.
Write a short composition on scientific innovation and use commas,apostrophe and capital letters appropriately.
Why should a text be well punctuated? How does wrong punctuation affect writing?
Skills in English pg 29-30.
Digital devices.
Peer assessment Written text. Checklists.
4 3
Short Story.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the time and place of the short story.
Highlight the episodes in the short story.
Appreciate the differences in culture and setting.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Read the short story Our innovation and identify its time and place.
Retell the short story in learners book and highlight the main events in the correct order in which they happened.
Tease out the geographical setting,the historical period and the culture from which the story is based looking at words and elements used in the story.
Which places would you like to visit? Which time in history would you desire to live?
Skills in English pg 24-27
Digital devices.
Oral discussions. Checklists. Question and answer. Reading aloud.
4 4
THEME; POLLUTION. Grammar in use.
Primary Auxiliaries.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify primary auxiliary verbs in a text.
Use primary auxiliary verbs in sentences correctly.
Appreciate the importance of primary auxiliary verbs in communication.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Identify primary auxiliary verbs from a text.
List down the primary auxiliary verbs in their books.
Search and discuss the functions of primary auxiliary verbs from textbooks.
Write down sentences using each of the primary auxiliary verbs.
Fill in blank spaces in sentences given using the correct primary auxiliary verbs.
What are primary auxiliary verbs? What are functions of verbs in sentences?
Skills in English pg 37-39.
Magazine and newspaper.
Gap-filling. Written texts. Multiple choice task.
4 5
Listening and Speaking.
Listening Comprehension.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the main idea from a cause and effect text.
Pinpoint specific information from a cause and effect text.
Infer meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues.
Acknowledge the importance of listening for detail.
Individually,in pairs ,learners are guided to;
Listen to a cause and effect text on pollution being read by teacher .
Pick out the main idea from the cause and effect text.
Respond to oral questions based on the text correctly.
Make a list of unfamiliar words and give meaning of words using context clues.
Construct correct sentences using the given words.
Why is it important to listen keenly? What should one look for when listening to a text?
Skills in English pg 32-33.
Audio text.
Checklists.oral questions. Peer assessment.
5 1
Intensive reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Read the passage in learners book.
Answer questions based on the given text correctly
Acknowledge the importance of good reading skills in life.
Individually,in groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Predict events by focusing on the title and illustrations in the text.
Silently read the passage to internalize the information.
Read the passage aloud in turns and answer the questions.
Retell the events in the story in the order they occurred.
Which skills should one use in order to read effectively?
Skills in English pg 33-36.
Reading loudly. Answering questions. Self & peer assessment.
5 2
Intensive reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Read the passage in learners book.
Answer questions based on the given text correctly
Acknowledge the importance of good reading skills in life.
Individually,in groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Predict events by focusing on the title and illustrations in the text.
Silently read the passage to internalize the information.
Read the passage aloud in turns and answer the questions.
Retell the events in the story in the order they occurred.
Which skills should one use in order to read effectively?
Skills in English pg 33-36.
Reading loudly. Answering questions. Self & peer assessment.
5 3
Intensive reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Infer meanings of words in the given text correctly.
Construct sentences about pollution using the words used in the passage.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Infer the meaning of given words using synonyms and contexts.
Form sentences about pollution using the words given in the table.
How can one improve the way they read?
Skills in English pg 36.
Matching tasks. Oral discussions. Peer assessment.
5 4
Paragraphing; Sequencing of Ideas.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
State the meaning of sequencing of ideas and conjuction.
Identify different conjuctions from texs.
Discuss the functions of the different conjuctions used in sequencing of ideas.
Appreciate the role of conjuctions in communication.
In groups,pairs ,individually,learners are guided to;
Brainstorm on the meaning of sequencing of ideas and conjuctions.
List examples of conjuctions used in connecting ideas.
Discuss the functions of the listed conjuctions.
Read the passage in learners book and identify the conjuctions used.
Search from the interne and textbooks for conjuctions used in texts.
Which words join ideas and sentences?
Skills in English pg 43-44.
Digital devices.
Written assessment. Oral discussions. Oral questions. Checklists.
5 5
Paragraphing; Sequencing of Ideas.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use conjunctions to sequence and connect ideas correctly in a paragraph.
Rearrange jumbled sentences to form a cohensive paragraph using conjuctions.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Combine sentences to form paragraphs using the appropriate conjuctions.
Rearrange jumbled sentences to a make a paragraph using the conjunctions given.
Use different conjuctions in writing a composition on pollution to show a sequence of ideas.
Why is it important to use conjuctions in writing?
Skills in English pg 44-45.
Self-assessment. Written texts. Checklists. Questions and answers.
6 1
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the aspects of structure in a given poem.
Discuss the message and main ideas in a given poem.
Acknowledge the role of poems in communicating ideas.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Brainstorm on the structure of poems;poet,number of stanzas and lines.
Read a given poem and identify its structure.
Explain the words ,phrases and sentences in the poem that help to decipher the surface and deeper meaning.
Compose a poem on pollutionand display it a portifolio,chart /class noticeboard.
How is a poem different from a passage? What messages do poems convey?
Skills in English pg 40-43.
Learners portifolio. Reading aloud. Question and answers. Peer assessment Checklists.
6 2
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the aspects of structure in a given poem.
Discuss the message and main ideas in a given poem.
Acknowledge the role of poems in communicating ideas.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Brainstorm on the structure of poems;poet,number of stanzas and lines.
Read a given poem and identify its structure.
Explain the words ,phrases and sentences in the poem that help to decipher the surface and deeper meaning.
Compose a poem on pollutionand display it a portifolio,chart /class noticeboard.
How is a poem different from a passage? What messages do poems convey?
Skills in English pg 40-43.
Learners portifolio. Reading aloud. Question and answers. Peer assessment Checklists.
6 3
Selective Listening.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Distinguish between specific and general information from a listening text.
Select specific information from a text.
Listen and respond to texts appropriately.
Emphasize the value of listening skills in communication.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Listen to an audio text on consumer roles and responsibilities and decide whether the information is specific or general.
Search online for audio recordings and attentively listen for specific information.
Listen to a role play on roles and responsibilities of consumers and respond to questions.
Listen to a passage read by the teacher and answer the questions asked.
Why is it important to get the main pointsfrom an oral text? How can you ensure you capture the relevant information from a speaker?
Skills in English pg 47-48.
Audio texts.
Role play. Oral questions and answers. Oral discussions. Self
6 4
Intensive Reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify reading strategies for use on given texts.
Select main ideas and details from written texts.
Acknowledge reading for main ideas and details as a comprehension skill.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Read and discuss the selected reading strategies.
Read and underline the main ideas and details in texts on consumer roles and responsibilities.
Fill in substitution tables with specific details from texts.
Complete a mind map with focus on main idea and details.
Why should one read for main ideas? How can you improve your reading?
Skills in English pg 49-52.
Mind maps.
Digital devices.
Reading aloud. Question and answers. Learners summary . Peer assessment.
6 4-5
Intensive Reading.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify reading strategies for use on given texts.
Select main ideas and details from written texts.
Acknowledge reading for main ideas and details as a comprehension skill.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Read and discuss the selected reading strategies.
Read and underline the main ideas and details in texts on consumer roles and responsibilities.
Fill in substitution tables with specific details from texts.
Complete a mind map with focus on main idea and details.
Why should one read for main ideas? How can you improve your reading?
Skills in English pg 49-52.
Mind maps.
Digital devices.
Reading aloud. Question and answers. Learners summary . Peer assessment.

midterm exam 7


midterm break

9 1
Grammar in Use.
Verbs and Tenses.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify verbs in the simple present and simple past tense in a text.
Explain how the simple present and simple past tenses of verbs are formed.
Advocate appropriate use of tenses in communication.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Explain what are simple present and simple past tense and give relevant examples.
Underline verbs in simple present and simple past tense in a text on consumer rights and responsibilities.
Reflect on the formation of simple present and simple past tense form of verbs.
Search from internet or books for texts about consumer roles and responsibilities and identify verbs in simple present and past tense forms.
Why is correct use of tenses important?
Skills in English pg 52-53.
Digital devices.
Checklists. Written tests. Oral questions. Peer assessment.
9 2
Grammar in Use.
Verbs and Tenses.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Construct correct sentences in simple present and simple past tense.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
construct sentences about consumer roles and responsibilities in simple present and simple past tense.
Create charts showing words in their simple present and simple past tenses.
Find and play online games using verbs in simple present and simple past tenses.
Why is correct use of tenses important?
Skills in English pg 54-55
Gap-filling. Written texts. Checklists. Word games. Peer assessment.
9 3
Short Story.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the characters in a short story.
Use contextual clues to infer character traits of characters in a short story.
Acknowledge the role of characters in a short story.
In groups,pair,individually,learners are guided to;
Read the short story Buyer,beware and retell what they have read.
Describe the character traits of the characters in the short story using different adjectives.
Compare and contrast the traits of the characters in the short story.
Role play the different characters in the short story.
Make connections between their own lives those of characters in short story.
What should one look for when reading a story? What qualities do you admire in people?
Skills in English pg 55-58.
Short stories.
Oral questions. Oral discussions. Role play. Simulations. Reading aloud. Checklists.
9 4
Paragraphing ;Connectors of sequence.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
State the meaning of connectors of sequence.
Identify connectors of sequence from a given text.
Search from the internet or in books other connectors of sequence and list them.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Read a given text on consumer rights and responsibilities and identify the connectors of sequence used.
Search online and offline and list other connectors of sequence.
Construct sentences using the listed connectors of sequence.
Which words are used to connect ideas in a paragraph? How can a good paragraph be developed?
Skills in English pg 59.
Digital devices.
Peer assessment Checklists. Writing assessment. Self assessment.
9 5
Paragraphing ;Connectors of sequence.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
State the meaning of connectors of sequence.
Identify connectors of sequence from a given text.
Search from the internet or in books other connectors of sequence and list them.
In groups,pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Read a given text on consumer rights and responsibilities and identify the connectors of sequence used.
Search online and offline and list other connectors of sequence.
Construct sentences using the listed connectors of sequence.
Which words are used to connect ideas in a paragraph? How can a good paragraph be developed?
Skills in English pg 59.
Digital devices.
Peer assessment Checklists. Writing assessment. Self assessment.
10 1
Paragraphing ;connectors of sequence.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Sequence ideas in a paragraph using connectors of sequence.
Appreciate the use of idea connectors for clarity of information.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Rewrite paragraphs using connectors of sequence.
Write paragraphs on consumer rights and responsibilities using connectors of sequence.
Collaborate to edit the paragraphs and peer review each others work.
What is the importance of a well-developed paragraph?
Skills in English pg 60.
Peer assessment. Writing assessment. Checklists.
10 2
THEME;RELATIONSHIPS;PEERS. Listening and Speaking.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify words with souds /o/ and /th/ in a given text.
Pronounce words that have the target sounds correctly.
Acknowledge the role of correct pronunciation in communication.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
To interact with an audio recording featuring the sounds /o/ and /th/
List the words that contain the mentioned sounds from print or digital texts.
Pronounce the identified words.
Play word games involving the target sounds
How can one improve ones pronounciation?
Skills in English pg 62-63
Word games.
Digital devices.
Audio recording.
Peer assessment. Self assessment. Oral presentations.
10 3
Listening and Speaking.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Search online or offline for the meaning of emphatic stress.
Apply emphatic stress correctly in varied contexts.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
Search the meaning of emphatic stress from internet or books.
Listen to a series of sentences and identify the stressed words.
Recite the poem in learners book and emphasize on the underlined words.
Read sentences and stress given words appropriately.
Why are some words in a sentence pronounced with greater force than others?
Skills in English pg 64-65.
Peer assessment. Self assessment. Oral presentation. Checklists.
10 4
Listening and Speaking.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Search online or offline for the meaning of emphatic stress.
Apply emphatic stress correctly in varied contexts.
In pairs,groups,individually,learners are guided to;
Search the meaning of emphatic stress from internet or books.
Listen to a series of sentences and identify the stressed words.
Recite the poem in learners book and emphasize on the underlined words.
Read sentences and stress given words appropriately.
Why are some words in a sentence pronounced with greater force than others?
Skills in English pg 64-65.
Peer assessment. Self assessment. Oral presentation. Checklists.
10 5
Grammar in Use.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Define the term adjectives,gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Identify gradable and non-gradable adjectives from a text.
Group the adjectives as either gradable or non-gradable adjectives.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Explain the meaning of adjectives,gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Search for gradable and non-gradable adjectives from digital and print texts.
Identify gradable and non-gradable adjectives from the texts.
Classify the adjectives as either gradable or non-gradable adjectives.
Recite a poem featuring gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Which words describe nouns? When is it necessary to describe a noun?
Skills in English pg 69-70.
Digital devices.
Print texts.
Checklists Written tests. Peer assessment. Oral questions.
11 1
Grammar in Use.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use gradable and non-gradable adjectives in sentences.
Value the need for correct use of adjectives in communication.
In pairs,groups,individually,learmers are guided to;
Construct sentences using gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Fill crossword puzzles featuring gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
When do we use adjectives?
Skills in English pg 70-71.
Crossword puzzle.
Peer assessment. Gap filling. Substitution tables. Puzzles. Writing texts.
11 2
Study Skills; Reference materials.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Define the term reference materials.
List the common reference materials used in learning.
Select relevant reference materials for varied tasks.
Acknowledge the role of reference materials in lifelong learning.
In pairs,individually,groups,learners are guided to;
Brainstorm on the meaning of reference materials.
Mention some of the common reference materials used in learning.
Use appropriate reference materials to carry out various tasks.
What is the importance of reference materials?
Skills in English pg 66-68.
Oral discussion. Peer assessment.
11 3
Study Skills; Reference materials.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use reference materials to obtain information on varied subjects.
In pairs,groups,learners are guided to;
Look for the synonyms of various words from a thesaurus.
Construct sentences using the given words.
Give antonyms of the words given.
Create crossword puzzles using the antonyms and synonyms learnt.
Use an encyclopedia to search for information on various topics.
How can one use reference materials appropriately?
Skills in English pg 68.
Digital devices.
Reference materials.
Peer assessment. Checklists.
11 4
Study Skills; Reference materials.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Use reference materials to obtain information on varied subjects.
In pairs,groups,learners are guided to;
Look for the synonyms of various words from a thesaurus.
Construct sentences using the given words.
Give antonyms of the words given.
Create crossword puzzles using the antonyms and synonyms learnt.
Use an encyclopedia to search for information on various topics.
How can one use reference materials appropriately?
Skills in English pg 68.
Digital devices.
Reference materials.
Peer assessment. Checklists.
11 5
Functional Writing; Apology Letters.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Name the parts of a letter of apology.
Write a letter of apology based on a given context.
Acknowledge the role of letter writing in communication.
In pairs,individually,learners are guided to;
Observe samples of apology letters and identify the parts of a letter of apology.
Discuss the language and content of a letter of apology.
Using the elements and layout of a formal letter plan,write a letter of apology individually.
Peer assess the correctness of the letters written by each learner.
Why do people write apology letters?
Skills in English pg75-76.
Samples of letters of apology.
Peer assessment. Writing assessment. Checklists.

endterm exam


school closing

Your Name Comes Here

