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2 | 1 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the term raised platforms. -Identify the types of raised platforms used in a workplace. -Discuss the uses of the different types of raised platforms in a workplace. -Appreciate the uses of the different raised platforms in a workplace. |
In groups or pairs, learners are guided to: -
-Discuss and present the meaning of raised platforms in workplace. -Observe pictures and identify the different types of raised platform used in workplace. -Use digital devices or print resources to search for information on the uses of the identified raised platforms. -Discuss the uses of different raised platforms. |
-What is a raised platform in a workplace?
-What are the uses of the raised platform in a workplace?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
2 | 2 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the risks associated with working on raised platforms. - Describe the risks associated with working on raised platforms. -Search internet clips on the risks associated with working on raised platforms. -Acknowledge the risks associated with working on raised platforms. |
-Discuss and present on the risks associated with working on raised platforms.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on risks associated with working on raised platforms. -Describe the risks associated with working on raised platforms. -Prepare posters showing risks associated with working on raised platforms. |
What are risks associated with working on raised platforms.
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written test.
2 | 3 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms in work place. -Discuss the safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms in work place. -Prepare flashcards or posters on safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms. -Appreciate the safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms. |
-Discuss on ways of minimizing risks related to working on raised platforms in work place.
-observe a video clip on safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms. -Discuss the ways of minimizing the risks related to working on raised platforms in work place. -Collaborate in preparing posters showing the safety measures to observe when working on raised platforms. |
What are the safety measures that should one observe when working on raised platforms in work place?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
2 | 4 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the need for observing safety while working on raised platforms in work places. -Discuss the importance of observing safety when working on raised platforms in work places. -Prepare flashcards bearing the importance of observing safety when working on raised platforms in work places. -Appreciate the need for observing safety while working on raised platforms |
-Discuss and present the need for observing safety when working on raised platforms in work places.
-Identify and Discuss the need of observing safety while working on raised platforms in work places. -work together in making flashcards showing the importance of observing safety while working on raised platforms in work places. |
What is the importance of observing safety when working on raised platforms in work places?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
3 | 1 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Roleplay the safety practices while working on raised platforms. -Enjoy role playing the safety practices while working on raised platforms. |
-Collaborate and share roles on roleplaying safety practices for working on raised platforms.
-Use digital devices to record themselves as they Roleplay and peers to give feedbacks on the roleplay. |
How do we ensure safety when working on raised platforms?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
3 | 2 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Roleplay the safety practices while working on raised platforms. -Enjoy role playing the safety practices while working on raised platforms. |
-Collaborate and share roles on roleplaying safety practices for working on raised platforms.
-Use digital devices to record themselves as they Roleplay and peers to give feedbacks on the roleplay. |
How do we ensure safety when working on raised platforms?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
3 | 3 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Safety on raised platforms assessment.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Attempt questions on the sub-strand. -Revise and do the corrections. |
Answer assessment questions on the sub-strand: safety on raised platforms.
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
3 | 4 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the hazardous substances found in the environment. -Use digital devices to Search for information on the hazardous substances in the environment. -Draw the symbols of the hazardous substances in the environment. -Acknowledge the hazardous substances in the environment. |
-Study symbols of hazardous substances and corrosive substances symbols.
-Use print or digital resources to Search for the information on the hazardous substances in the environment. -Discuss the hazardous substances in the environment. -Draw the symbols of poisonous, flammable and collusive substances. |
What are hazardous substances in the environment?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
4 | 1 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Classify the hazardous substances found in the locality. -Use digital devices to Prepare a table showing classification of the hazardous substances in the locality. -Enjoy classifying the different hazardous substances found in the locality. |
-Mention the hazardous substances found in the environment.
-Collaborate in grouping the hazardous substances into poisonous, corrosive or flammable. -Use digital devices to Prepare a table showing the grouping of the hazardous substances and present in class. |
Which hazardous substances are found in the locality?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
4 | 2 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. -Describe the safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. -Use digital devices to Search for information and clips on safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. -Acknowledge the safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. |
-Use print or digital resources to Search for information on ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment.
-Discuss the safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. -Read and interpret instruction on the conditions for Use of hazardous substances. -Prepare posters showing the safe ways of handling hazardous substances in the environment. |
-How are hazardous substances handled?
-Why are hazardous substance labeled?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
4 | 3 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Handle hazardous substances safely in the environment. -Adhere to safety when handling hazardous substances in the environment. |
-Practice safe handling of poisonous, flammable and corrosive substances in the environment.
-Use digital devices to record themselves as they Practice and peers to give feedback. |
How are hazardous substances handled?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Observation schedule.
-Peer assessment.
4 | 4 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Handle hazardous substances safely in the environment. -Adhere to safety when handling hazardous substances in the environment. |
-Practice safe handling of poisonous, flammable and corrosive substances in the environment.
-Use digital devices to record themselves as they Practice and peers to give feedback. |
How are hazardous substances handled?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Observation schedule.
-Peer assessment.
5 | 1 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Self-exploration and career development.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the ways of nurturing talents and abilities for business purposes. -Explain the ways of nurturing talents and abilities for business purposes. -Search the internet for information on ways of nurturing talents and abilities for business purposes. -Acknowledge the different ways of nurturing talents and abilities for business purposes. |
-Use dictionary to Search for the meaning of nurture.
-Use digital and print resources to research and Identify the ways of nurturing talents and abilities for business purposes. -Discuss the different ways of nurturing talents and abilities in the society. -Prepare posters and flashcards showing the ways of nurturing talents and abilities. |
-What is to nurture talent and ability?
-How are talents and abilities nurtured?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written tests.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
5 | 2 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Self-exploration and career development.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the pathways in senior school. -Relate the different talents and abilities to career pathways in senior school. -Prepare a power point presentation showing a list of talents and abilities corresponding to career pathways in senior school. -Acknowledge How different talents and abilities correspond to career pathway in senior school. |
-Study a chart of different pathways in senior school.
-Identify the different career pathways in senior school. -Collaborate in making a list of talents and abilities and their corresponding career pathways in senior school using power point presentation. |
What are the career pathways in senior school?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
5 | 3 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Self-exploration and career development.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the terms self-exploration and career development. -Discuss the importance of self-exploration for career development. -Search the internet for information on importance of self-exploration for career development. -Appreciate the need for self-exploration for career development. |
-Use digital or print resources to Search on the meaning of self-exploration and career development.
-Explain the meaning of self-exploration and career development for better understanding. -Use digital devices to Search for the importance of self-exploration for career development. -Discuss their finding and share in class. -Display talent and abilities through clubs and societies and other planned school fora. |
What are the career opportunities related to talents and abilities in pre-technical studies?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
5 | 4 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Self-exploration and career development.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the career opportunities related to talents and abilities in pre-technical studies. -Interview a resource person on the career opportunities related to talents and abilities in pre-technical studies. -Acknowledge the career opportunities related to the talents and abilities in pre-technical studies. |
-Engage with a resource person on career opportunities in pre-technical studies.
-Identify the career opportunities related to talents and abilities in pre-technical studies. -Discuss the career opportunities related to talents and abilities in pre-technical studies. |
What are the ethical and unethical practices related to the use of talents and abilities?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
6 | 1 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Self-exploration and career development.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities. -Analyze the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents related to the talents and abilities for business purposes. -Prepare educational posters showing the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities. -Acknowledge the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities in our life. |
-Explain the meaning of ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities.
-Read and examine a case Study on the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities. -Identify and Discuss the ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities. -Prepare educational posters with message on ethical and unethical practices related to the Use of talents and abilities. |
What are the ethical and unethical practices related to the use of talents and abilities?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
6 | 2 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Explain the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Appreciate the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. |
-Discuss and present the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances.
-Search the internet or print resources for information on importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Discuss the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. |
What is the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
6 | 3 |
Foundation of pre-technical studies.
Handling hazardous substances.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Explain the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Appreciate the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. |
-Discuss and present the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances.
-Search the internet or print resources for information on importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. -Discuss the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances. |
What is the importance of observing safety when handling hazardous substances?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
6 | 4 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the meaning of oblique projection. -Identify characteristics of oblique drawing in technical fields. -Use digital devices to Search for information on characteristics of oblique drawing. -Acknowledge the features of oblique drawing. |
-Search print media od digital devices for the meaning of oblique drawing.
-Use digital devices or text books to Search for information on the characteristics of oblique drawings. -Discuss the characteristics of oblique drawing. |
What are the features of oblique drawing?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
7 | 1 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Differentiate between cavalier and cabinet in oblique projection. -Sketch given drawings in oblique projection. -Enjoy sketching drawings in oblique projection. |
In pairs or individually, learners are guided to: -
-Use digital devices to search for information and pictures on cavalier and cabinet in oblique projection. -Discuss the difference between cavalier and cabinet in oblique projection. -Draw given drawings in oblique projection without using instruments cavalier and cabinet. -Share their drawings or sketches with peers for assessment. |
What is the difference between cavalier and cabinet in oblique projection?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-drawing tests.
-Peer assessment.
7 | 2 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Outline the steps for drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection. -Discuss the steps for drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection. -Draw shaped blocks in oblique projection following the outlined steps. -Enjoy drawing the shaped blocks in oblique projection. |
-Outline the steps to follow while drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection.
-Discuss the steps to follow when drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection. -Demonstrate drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection. -Draw shaped blocks in oblique projection and share with peers for assessment. |
Why should we follow the steps in drawing shaped blocks in oblique projection?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-drawing tests.
-Peer assessment.
7 | 3 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Draw shaped blocks in the cavalier projection using drawing instruments. -Show interest in drawing shaped blocks in the cavalier projection. |
-Use geometrical set drawing instruments to Draw shaped blocks in oblique projection using cavalier projection.
-share their drawing with peers for assessment. |
How do you draw a shaped block in cavalier projection using drawing instruments?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Peer assessment.
-drawing tests.
-Assessment rubrics.
7 | 4 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Outline the steps for drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. -Discuss the steps for drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. -Practice drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. -Desire to Draw shaped blocks in cabinet projection. |
-observe a clip on drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection.
-Outline the steps for drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. -Discuss steps followed in drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. -Practice drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection. |
How do you draw shaped blocks in cabinet projection?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-drawing tests.
8 | 1 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Draw shaped blocks in cabinet projection using drawing instruments. -Enjoy drawing shaped blocks in cabinet projection using drawing instruments. |
-Use geometrical set drawing instruments to Draw shaped blocks in oblique projection cabinet.
-share their drawings with peers for assessment. |
How do you draw shaped blocks in cabinet projection?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Peer assessment.
8 | 2 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the application of oblique projection in drawing. -Discuss the uses of oblique drawing in our day-to-day life. -Walk around the locality to observe Use of oblique drawings. -Appreciate the applications of oblique projection in drawing. |
-Use digital and print resources to Search for information on the applications of oblique projection in drawing.
-Discuss the uses of the oblique projection in our day-to-day life. -Walk around the locality to observe the uses of oblique drawings. |
How are oblique drawing used in technical fields?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions.
8 | 3 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Oblique projection.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the application of oblique projection in drawing. -Discuss the uses of oblique drawing in our day-to-day life. -Walk around the locality to observe Use of oblique drawings. -Appreciate the applications of oblique projection in drawing. |
-Use digital and print resources to Search for information on the applications of oblique projection in drawing.
-Discuss the uses of the oblique projection in our day-to-day life. -Walk around the locality to observe the uses of oblique drawings. |
How are oblique drawing used in technical fields?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions.
8 | 4 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Visual programming.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the application areas of visual programing software in solving problems. -Explain the application areas of visual programing software in solving problems. -Search the internet for information on application areas of visual programing. -Acknowledge the application areas of visual programing. |
-Use digital and print resources to Search for information on the applications area of visual programing.
-Identify the application areas of visual programing. -Discuss the application areas of visual programing software. |
What are the application areas of visual programing?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
9 | 1 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Visual programming.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Outline the steps for creating an application using visual programing software for solving problems in day-to-day life. -Use digital devices to Search for clips on information on creating an application using visual programing software. -Desire to develop applications using programing software. |
-Use digital devices to Search and watch video clips on How to develop an application using visual programing software (games, stories and animations)
-Outline the steps to follow in creating application using visual programing software (games, stories and animations) -Discuss the steps to follow in creating application using visual programing software (games and stories) |
How are applications developed using visual programing software?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Oral questions.
-Written tests.
9 | 2 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Visual programming.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Create an application using visual programing software for solving problems in day-to-day life. -Enjoy creating applications using the visual programing software. |
-Use digital devices to develop interactive stories, games and animation using the visual programing software.
-share their developed stories, games and animations with pears. |
How are applications developed using visual programing software?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Peer assessment.
9 | 3 |
Communication in pre-technical studies.
Visual programming.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-develop interactive stories, games and animations using visual programing software. -Embrace the Use of visual programing in the day-to-day life. |
-Use scratch or sprite to Create interactive stories, games and animations.
-present their creations in class. -Practice using visual programing application to solve problems in day-to-day life. |
What type of visual programing applications can you use to create games, stories and animations?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
9 | 4 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the types of wood used in production. -Use digital or print resources to Search for information on the types of wood used in production. -Acknowledge the different types of wood used in production. |
-Use print or digital resources to Search for information on types of wood.
-Identify the types of wood used in production and their examples. -Discuss the different types of wood used in production. |
What types of wood are used in production?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
10 | 1 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood used in production. -Use digital devices to Search for information on the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood. -Acknowledge the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood that makes suitable for production. |
-Use digital or print resources to Search information on the physical characteristics of hard and softwood.
-Identify the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. -Discuss the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. -observe the surrounding environment to look for hardwood and softwood trees. -Prepare posters or flashcards showing the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. |
What are the physical characteristics of hard and softwood?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
10 | 2 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood used in production. -Use digital devices to Search for information on the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood. -Acknowledge the physical characteristics of soft and hardwood that makes suitable for production. |
-Use digital or print resources to Search information on the physical characteristics of hard and softwood.
-Identify the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. -Discuss the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. -observe the surrounding environment to look for hardwood and softwood trees. -Prepare posters or flashcards showing the physical characteristics of hard and soft wood. |
What are the physical characteristics of hard and softwood?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
10 | 3 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify physical properties to Use in classifying woods used in production. -Classify wood used in production according to the physical properties. -Enjoy classifying the different types of wood used in material production. |
-State the physical property to Use in classifying wood as either soft or hardwood.
-Use a checklist to sort wood as either softwood or hardwood. -present their classification table of wood according to the physical properties. |
What criteria will you use to classify the different types of wood used in material production?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
10 | 4 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify methods used in wood production. -Describe the conversion method as a method of wood preparation. -Search the internet for information and clips on the conversion method of wood. -Appreciate the conversion method in wood preparation. |
-Discuss on the methods used in wood preparation.
-Identify methods used in wood preparation. -Use digital devices to Search for information and clips on the conversion method of wood preparation. -Discuss the conversion method of wood preparation. |
What is the importance of conversion method in wood?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral discussion.
11 | 1 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the term seasoning as used in wood preparation. -Describe the seasoning method in wood preparation. -Acknowledge the need for wood seasoning in wood preparation. |
-Discuss and present the meaning of seasoning in wood preparation.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on the seasoning of wood. -Discuss the seasoning of wood as a method of wood preparation. -Use digital devices to Search and watch clips on methods used in seasoning of wood. |
-What are the benefits of wood seasoning?
-What is seasoning as a method of wood preparation?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written tests.
11 | 2 |
Materials for production.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Relate the types of wood to their uses in the community. -Discuss the uses of the different types of wood used in the locality. -develop charts showing the types of wood and their uses. -Value the importance of wood in day-to-day life. |
-Discuss on the uses of wood in different trades and presents.
-Match different types of wood to their uses. -Discuss the uses of the different types of wood in the locality. -Prepare charts showing the types of wood and their uses. -Visit the locality to explore the uses of wood. |
Why is wood important in day-to-day life?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Peer assessment.
-Written questions.
-Oral questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
11 | 3 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify waste materials found in the environment. -Collect waste products in the school compound. -sort the collected waste materials according to their nature. -Enjoy collecting and sorting the different types of waste products. |
-Walk around the school compound to Identify the waste materials.
-Collect the identified waste materials in the school compound. -sort the waste materials collected as either plastic, glass, metal, wood, electronic or construction material waste. -Store the sorted waste materials in cartons or sacks. |
Which waste materials are found in the environment?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Field excursion.
11 | 4 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the ways of handling waste materials safely in the environment. -Describe ways of handling waste materials safely in the environment. -Search the internet for information on safe ways of handling waste materials. -Acknowledge the safe ways of handling waste materials in the environment. |
-Discuss on the ways of handling waste materials safely in the environment.
-Use digital or print resources to Search for information on safe ways of handling waste materials. -Discuss the safe ways of handling waste materials. |
How are waste materials handled in the locality?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
12 | 1 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the methods of disposing waste materials in the environment. -Dispose waste materials using appropriate methods. -Acknowledge the need for disposing waste materials appropriately in the environment. |
-Identify the methods used in disposing waste materials in the environment.
-Practice safe disposal of waste materials in the school environment (re-using, recycling, compost and burn) |
How can we dispose waste materials in the environment?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions.
-Observation schedule.
12 | 2 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify the methods of disposing waste materials in the environment. -Dispose waste materials using appropriate methods. -Acknowledge the need for disposing waste materials appropriately in the environment. |
-Identify the methods used in disposing waste materials in the environment.
-Practice safe disposal of waste materials in the school environment (re-using, recycling, compost and burn) |
How can we dispose waste materials in the environment?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Assessment rubrics.
-Written questions.
-Observation schedule.
12 | 3 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the importance of proper handling of waste materials in the environment. -Search the internet or print resources for proper handling of waste materials in the environment. -Appreciate the need for proper handling of waste materials in the environment. |
-Discuss the importance of proper handling of waste materials in the environment.
-Use digital devices to Search for information on the importance of proper handling of waste materials in the environment. -Discuss the importance of proper handling of waste materials in the environment. -Prepare posters showing the importance of proper handling of waste materials. |
Why is it important to handle waste materials properly in the environment?
pre-technical studies learner |
-Oral questions.
-Written questions.
-Assessment rubrics.
12 | 4 |
Materials for production.
Handling waste materials.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
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