
Grade 7 2024

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2 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in Human Beings. ( The Human Menstrual Cycle.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
iscuss the meaning of menstruation and the menstruation cycle. describe the menstrual cycle. 
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
use dictionary or ict devices to search and discuss the meaning of menstruation and the menstruation cycle.
describe the menstrual cycle.
draw the menstruation cycle and identify the phases in menstrual cycle.
What is menstruation and menstrual cycle? How many days does it take for menstruation cycle to reoccur?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 77-79.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Checklist.
2 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in Human Beings. ( The Human Menstrual Cycle.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
iscuss the meaning of menstruation and the menstruation cycle. describe the menstrual cycle. 
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
use dictionary or ict devices to search and discuss the meaning of menstruation and the menstruation cycle.
describe the menstrual cycle.
draw the menstruation cycle and identify the phases in menstrual cycle.
What is menstruation and menstrual cycle? How many days does it take for menstruation cycle to reoccur?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 77-79.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Checklist.
2 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in Human Beings. ( Challenges Related to Menstrual Cycle.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify the challenges related to the menstrual cycle. discuss the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
discuss the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
search for more information on challenges related to menstrual cycle from textbooks and internet and record their findings.
discuss what one should do if she had the challenges related to menstrual cycle.
What challenges are associated with the menstrual cycle? How best can we manage issues related to the menstrual cycle?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 80-82.
Digital devices.
Written test. oral questions. Assessment rubric.
2 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in Human Beings. ( Challenges Related to Menstrual Cycle.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify the challenges related to the menstrual cycle. discuss the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
discuss the challenges related to the menstrual cycle.
search for more information on challenges related to menstrual cycle from textbooks and internet and record their findings.
discuss what one should do if she had the challenges related to menstrual cycle.
What challenges are associated with the menstrual cycle? How best can we manage issues related to the menstrual cycle?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 80-82.
Digital devices.
Written test. oral questions. Assessment rubric.
2 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in human beings. ( The process of fertilisation and implantation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
escribe the observable structures of the sex cells. draw and label the structures of male and female sex cells
In groups, pairs, individually,learners are guided to:
discuss the intersex conditions.
identify the male and female sex cell.
describe the observable structures of the sex cells.
draw and label the structures of male and female sex cells.
search for more information from the textbooks and internet about the structure of the female and male sex cells and their functions.
What is the male sex cell called? what is the female sex cell called?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 82-83.
Assessment rubric. Checklist. oral questions. written test.
3 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in human beings. ( Process of fertilization and implantation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

define the terms: fusion, fertilization, zygote and implantation.
describe the process of fertilization and implantation.
identify where the process of fertilisation and implantation takes place from a diagram of uterus.
In groups, pairs, learners are guided to;
use digital devices or dictionary to search the meaning of fusion, fertilisation, zygote and implantation.
watch a video on the movement of sperms, fusion and implantation of the zygote in the uterus.
draw the movement of the fertilised egg from the fallopian tube to the uterus for implantation.
What is fertilisation and implantation? How does the process of fertilisation and implantation takes place?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 83-85
Digital devices.
Charts on fertilization.
Assessment rubric. Written test. oral questions.
3 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Reproduction in human beings. ( Process of fertilization and implantation.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

define the terms: fusion, fertilization, zygote and implantation.
describe the process of fertilization and implantation.
identify where the process of fertilisation and implantation takes place from a diagram of uterus.
In groups, pairs, learners are guided to;
use digital devices or dictionary to search the meaning of fusion, fertilisation, zygote and implantation.
watch a video on the movement of sperms, fusion and implantation of the zygote in the uterus.
draw the movement of the fertilised egg from the fallopian tube to the uterus for implantation.
What is fertilisation and implantation? How does the process of fertilisation and implantation takes place?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 83-85
Digital devices.
Charts on fertilization.
Assessment rubric. Written test. oral questions.
3 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory system-Skin (. Identifying parts of Human Skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
xplain the term excretion. name the organs responsible for removal of wastes. describe the human skin
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
explain the term excretion.
name the organs responsible for removal of wastes.
describe the human skin.
study the diagram of a skin and brainstorm on the parts of the skin.
use digital device to search for a well labelled diagram of the human skin.
draw and label the parts of the human skin on charts and display the drawings in class.
What is excretion? why is excretion important to the human body?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 87-88.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Checklist. Written test. oral questions.
3 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory system-Skin (. Identifying parts of Human Skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
xplain the term excretion. name the organs responsible for removal of wastes. describe the human skin
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
explain the term excretion.
name the organs responsible for removal of wastes.
describe the human skin.
study the diagram of a skin and brainstorm on the parts of the skin.
use digital device to search for a well labelled diagram of the human skin.
draw and label the parts of the human skin on charts and display the drawings in class.
What is excretion? why is excretion important to the human body?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 87-88.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Checklist. Written test. oral questions.
3 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Skin. (. Functions of parts of the skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
discuss the functions of the the different parts of the skin
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
use digital devices to search the internet on the functions of the different parts of skin.
discuss the functions of the the different parts of the skin.
use a hand lens to observe the external parts of the skin.
Why is the skin important in humans? what is the composition of the sweat excreted through the skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 89-91.
Digital devices
Assessment rubric. Written test. oral questions. Checklist.
4 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
The Human skin. (. Lifestyle to promote a healthy skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin. discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin.
discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
search for more information from the internet on practices that maintain a healthy skin.
How can we maintain a healthy skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 92-94.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Oral questions.
4 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
The Human skin. (. Lifestyle to promote a healthy skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin. discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin.
discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
search for more information from the internet on practices that maintain a healthy skin.
How can we maintain a healthy skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 92-94.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Oral questions.
4 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
The Human skin. (. Lifestyle to promote a healthy skin.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin. discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify lifestyles that promote a healthy skin.
discuss the health practices that promote and help maintain a healthy skin.
search for more information from the internet on practices that maintain a healthy skin.
How can we maintain a healthy skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 92-94.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Oral questions.
4 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System-Skin. (. Proper use of cosmetics.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
give examples of cosmetics. search from the internet and other relevant materials the importance of proper use of cosmetics. discuss the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
In groups,pairs, learners are guided to:
give examples of cosmetics.
search from the internet and other relevant materials the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
discuss the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
Why is proper use of cosmetics important? What is the importance of using cosmetics to our skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 94-95.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions.
4 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System-Skin. (. Proper use of cosmetics.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
give examples of cosmetics. search from the internet and other relevant materials the importance of proper use of cosmetics. discuss the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
In groups,pairs, learners are guided to:
give examples of cosmetics.
search from the internet and other relevant materials the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
discuss the importance of proper use of cosmetics.
Why is proper use of cosmetics important? What is the importance of using cosmetics to our skin?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 94-95.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions.
5 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System -Skin. (. Identifying effects of cosmetics on the human body.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify the effects of cosmetics on the human body.
discuss the effects of cosmetics on the human body.
use locally available materials to make a cosmetic.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
use digital devices with internet to search on the effects of skin lightners.
discuss the findings and present in class.
identify the various forms of cosmetics and discuss how they are applied.
make a cosmetic from the locally available materials.
What are the effects of cosmetics on the human body? What are the advantages of using locally made cosmetics? How can the locally made cosmetics be used or improved?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 96-97.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Checklists. Observation schedule.
5 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System -Skin. (. Identifying effects of cosmetics on the human body.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify the effects of cosmetics on the human body.
discuss the effects of cosmetics on the human body.
use locally available materials to make a cosmetic.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
use digital devices with internet to search on the effects of skin lightners.
discuss the findings and present in class.
identify the various forms of cosmetics and discuss how they are applied.
make a cosmetic from the locally available materials.
What are the effects of cosmetics on the human body? What are the advantages of using locally made cosmetics? How can the locally made cosmetics be used or improved?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 96-97.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Checklists. Observation schedule.
5 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System -Skin. (. Importance and proper use of comsetics for consumer protection.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
give  the uses of cosmetics. identify the harmful effects of cosmetics.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
search the internet on how cosmetics can be used for skin protection, skin repair and skin treatment.
discuss their findings , write th em down and present in class.
brainstorm on the possible harmful effects of the use of cosmetics on human health.
What are the harmful effects of the use of cosmetics on human health?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 98.
Oral report. Assessment rubric. Checklists. Written test.
5 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Parts of the Urinary system.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify the waste product excreted by the urinary system.
identify the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the parts of the urinary system(external appearance of the kidney)
draw and label the parts of the urinary system.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
study the diagram of the urinary system and brainstorm on the its external parts.
search for information from other reference materials and internet on the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the parts of the urinary system.
draw and label the vessels and external parts of the urinary system.
What are the parts of the urinary system?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 98-99.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Checklists. Written test.
5 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Parts of the Urinary system.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

identify the waste product excreted by the urinary system.
identify the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the parts of the urinary system(external appearance of the kidney)
draw and label the parts of the urinary system.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
study the diagram of the urinary system and brainstorm on the its external parts.
search for information from other reference materials and internet on the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the parts of the urinary system.
draw and label the vessels and external parts of the urinary system.
What are the parts of the urinary system?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 98-99.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Checklists. Written test.
6 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Functions of the parts of the urinary system.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
In groups, pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the functions of the different parts of the urinary system.
use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
What are the functions of the parts of the urinary system?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 99-100.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Written test. Checklists.
6 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Functions of the parts of the urinary system.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
In groups, pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the functions of the different parts of the urinary system.
use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
discuss the functions of the parts of the urinary system.
What are the functions of the parts of the urinary system?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 99-100.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. oral questions. Written test. Checklists.
6 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Kidney Disorders.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
explain the meaning of kidney disorders. use digital devices to search some of the examples of kidney disorders. identify and discuss the practices that may cause kidney disorders.
In groups,pairs, learners are guided to:
explain the meaning of kidney disorders.
use digital devices to search some of the examples of kidney disorders.
identify and discuss the practices that may cause kidney disorders.
What are some of the practices that may cause kidney disorders?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 101-102.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Portfolios. Checklists. Written tests. oral questions.
6 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Kidney Disorders.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
explain the meaning of kidney disorders. use digital devices to search some of the examples of kidney disorders. identify and discuss the practices that may cause kidney disorders.
In groups,pairs, learners are guided to:
explain the meaning of kidney disorders.
use digital devices to search some of the examples of kidney disorders.
identify and discuss the practices that may cause kidney disorders.
What are some of the practices that may cause kidney disorders?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 101-102.
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. Portfolios. Checklists. Written tests. oral questions.
6 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary system. (. Identifying lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
identify and discuss the lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders. use digital devices to create awareness on the lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
search the internet and other relevant materials for lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders.
identify and discuss the lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders.
use digital devices to create awareness on the lifestyles that promote a healthy kidney and prevent kidney disorders.
which healthy lifestyles can we adopt to promote healthy kidneys?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 102-103
Digital devices.
Assessment rubric. observation schedule. Checklists. oral questions. Portfolios. Written test.
7 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary System. (.Project.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system.
model the urinary system using the locally available materials and display in class.
Which locally available materials can be used to model the urinary system?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 103 & 100.
Checklist. portfolios. observation schedule.
7 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary System. (.Project.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system.
model the urinary system using the locally available materials and display in class.
Which locally available materials can be used to model the urinary system?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 103 & 100.
Checklist. portfolios. observation schedule.
7 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System - Urinary System. (.Project.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the appropriate locally available materials to model the urinary system.
model the urinary system using the locally available materials and display in class.
Which locally available materials can be used to model the urinary system?
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 103 & 100.
Checklist. portfolios. observation schedule.
7 4
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the sources of electricity in the environment.
Discuss the sources of electricity in the environment.
Search the internet for information on the sources of electricity.
Appreciate the different sources of electricity.
In groups,learners are guided to;
study the pictures in the learner's book and identify the some of the sources of electricity.
search the internet for information on how the sources of electricity in nature works (hydro-electric power,geothermal,solar and wind power) and note down their findings.
discuss the information found on the sources of electricity used in the environment.
What are the sources of electricity in the environment?
Active Integrated Science pg 136-137.
Digital devices.
Teacher's notes.
Assessment rubrics. Oral questions. Written tests. Checklists.
7 5
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the sources of electricity in the environment.
Discuss the sources of electricity in the environment.
Search the internet for information on the sources of electricity in the environment.
Appreciate the different sources of electricity in the environment.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify the sources of electricity in the environment from pictures/photos.
use digital devices or print media to search for information on the nuclear,tidal wave, fossil fuels,biomass, natural gas, electrical cells as sources of electricity.
note down their findings in exercise books.
discuss the sources of electricity in the environment (electrical cells, biomass, natural gas,tidal wave, fossil fuels and nuclear)
What are the sources of electricity in the environment?
Active Integrated Science pg 136-137.
Teacher's notes
Digital devices.
Assessment rubrics. Oral questions. Checklists. Written tests.
8 1
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term electrical circuit.
Discuss the components of the electrical circuit.
Search the internet for video clips on how to make a simple electrical circuit in series and parallel.
Desire to make electrical circuits in series and parallel.
In groups,learners are guided to;
use digital devices to search the internet for clips on making a simple electrical circuit.
state the meaning of an electrical circuit.
list the components used in making a simple electrical circuit.
discuss the functions of the components of the electrical circuit.
What is an electrical circuit? What are the components of an electrical circuit?
Active Integrated Science pg 138-139.
Digital devices.
Video clips.
Observation. Oral questions. Oral discussion. Written tests. Assessment rubrics.
8 2
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term electrical circuit.
Discuss the components of the electrical circuit.
Search the internet for video clips on how to make a simple electrical circuit in series and parallel.
Desire to make electrical circuits in series and parallel.
In groups,learners are guided to;
use digital devices to search the internet for clips on making a simple electrical circuit.
state the meaning of an electrical circuit.
list the components used in making a simple electrical circuit.
discuss the functions of the components of the electrical circuit.
What is an electrical circuit? What are the components of an electrical circuit?
Active Integrated Science pg 138-139.
Digital devices.
Video clips.
Observation. Oral questions. Oral discussion. Written tests. Assessment rubrics.
8 3
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term electrical circuit.
Discuss the components of the electrical circuit.
Search the internet for video clips on how to make a simple electrical circuit in series and parallel.
Desire to make electrical circuits in series and parallel.
In groups,learners are guided to;
use digital devices to search the internet for clips on making a simple electrical circuit.
state the meaning of an electrical circuit.
list the components used in making a simple electrical circuit.
discuss the functions of the components of the electrical circuit.
What is an electrical circuit? What are the components of an electrical circuit?
Active Integrated Science pg 138-139.
Digital devices.
Video clips.
Observation. Oral questions. Oral discussion. Written tests. Assessment rubrics.
8 4
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
Demonstrate the flow of electric current using simple electric circuit in series.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
prepare the requirements for the activity.
outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in which dry cells are in series.
collaborate in setting up a simple electrical circuit in series using electrical apparatus.
How do you set up a simple electrical circuit in series?
Active Integrated Science pg 139.
Digital devices.
Two dry cells,torch bulb, ammeter, switch,cell holder,bulb holder and six connecting wires.
Practical Activity. Checklists. Assessment rubrics. Observation schedule Oral questions.
8 5
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
Demonstrate the flow of electric current using simple electric circuit in series.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
prepare the requirements for the activity.
outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in which dry cells are in series.
collaborate in setting up a simple electrical circuit in series using electrical apparatus.
How do you set up a simple electrical circuit in series?
Active Integrated Science pg 139.
Digital devices.
Two dry cells,torch bulb, ammeter, switch,cell holder,bulb holder and six connecting wires.
Practical Activity. Checklists. Assessment rubrics. Observation schedule Oral questions.

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