
Grade 7 2024

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3 3
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy-Sources of Electricity.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the sources of electricity in pictures.
Study the pictures and Discuss where the sourceof electricity is coming from.
Search the internet for other sources of electricity.
Appreciate the different sources of electricity.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
identify the sources of electricity.
discuss the various sources of electricity.
search the internet for other sources of electricity.
What are the sources of electricity?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 122-123.
Digital devices.
Written tests. Oral questions. Assessment rubric.
3 4
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy-Solar power.
Electrical Energy-Hydroelectric Power.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify solar power as source of electricity
Discuss how solar energy is used in the locality.
Search the internet for more information on how the solar panel converts energy from the sun to electrical energy.
Appreciate the solar power as source of electricity.
Identify hydroelectric power as a source of electricity.
Discuss how electrical energy is produced.
Search and watch a video showing how a hydroelectric generator produces electricity.
Appreciate the hydroelectric power as a source of electricity.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
describe how solar power is stored.
discuss ways in which solar energy is used in the locality.
search the internet for more information on how the solar panel converts energy from the sun to electrical energy.
discuss how electrical energy is produced.
find out and list where the hydroelectric power plants are found in Kenya.
Search and watch a video showing how a hydroelectric generator produces electricity.
How is electric energy from the solar panel stored?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 123-124.
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 125-126.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Oral questions.
3 5
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy-Geothermal Generators.
Electrical Energy-Wind power.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify geothermal generator as a source of electricity.
Discuss how geothermal generators operate as a source of electricity.
Search and watch a video showing geothermal power generators producing electricity.
Appreciate geothermal generators aa sources of electricity.
Identify wind power generators as a source of electricity.
Discuss how wind power generators operate as a source of electricity.
Search and watch a video showing how wind turbine generators produce electricity.
Appreciate wind power generators as source of electricity.
In groups,pairs, learner are guided to;
search and watch a video showing geothermal power generators producing electricity.
discuss how geothermal generators operate as source of electricity.
find out and list where geothermal power stations are found in Kenya.
In groups,learners are guided to:
study the picture in learner's book and identify the source of electricity.
search and watch a video showing how wind turbine generators produce electricity.
discuss how wind power generators operate as a source of electricity.
list areas where wind power generators are found in Kenya.
How do geothermal generators operate as source of electricity?
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 126-127.
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 127-128.
Assessment rubric. Written test. Checklist. Oral questions.
4 1
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy- Simple Electrical Circuits.
Electrical Energy-Setting up Simple Electrical Circuit in Parallel.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the electrical components and their symbols while connecting a simple circuit.
Discuss what is simple electrical circuit in series.
Search and watch videos showing how to set up a simple electric circuit with components in series.
Set up simple electrical circuits in series using dry cells, bulbs, switch and connecting copper wires.
Enjoy setting up simple electrical circuit in series.
List the requirements for setting up simple electrical circuit in parallel.
Describe setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
Set up simple electrical circuit in parallel using the necessary requirements.
Enjoy setting up simple electrical circuit in parallel.
Search and watch a video on connecting an ammeter and voltmeter in series and parallel simple circuits.
Connect an ammeter and a voltmeter in series and parallel simple circuit.
Enjoy connecting an ammeter and voltmeter in series and parallel simple circuit.
In groups,learners are guided to:
identify the electrical components and their symbols used while connecting a simple circuit.
describe what is a simple electrical circuit in series.
search and watch videos showing how to set up simple electric circuit with components in series.
set up simple electrical circuit in series.
Observe pictures and list the requirements for setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
search the internet what is a parallel arrangements in a circuit.
discuss how to setup a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
setup a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
In groups, learners are guided to:
Search for and observe videos and animations showing how to connect an ammeter and voltmeter in series and parallel simple circuits.
Connect an ammeter and voltmeter in series and parallel simple circuits and record themselves.
What are the electrical components and their symbols? How do you set up a simple electrical circuit in series?
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 129-130.
Dry cells, torch bulbs, connecting copper wires and switch.
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical pg 131-132.
Dry cells, bulbs, connecting copper wires and switch.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 133-135.
Dry cells, pieces of copper wire, two switches, bulbs.
Checklists. Observation. Practical work. Oral questions.
4 2
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy-Conductors and Non-Conductors of Electricity.
Electrical Energy -Electrical Appliances.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the meaning of good conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
List examples of good conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
Classify materials as conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
Carry out experiments to classify materials as conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
Enjoy classifying the different materials as either conductor or non-conductor.
Identify electrical appliances in the locality.
Discuss the uses of the electrical appliances in the locality.
Make flashcards showing the electrical appliances used in the locality.
Appreciate the uses of the different electrical appliances in our daily lifes.
In groups,learners are guided to:
find the meaning of good conductors and non-conductors of electricity from the internet.
list examples of materials that are good conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
Classify the materials as either conductors or non-conductors of electricity.
carry out experiments to classify materials as conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
study pictures in learner's book, identify and name the electrical appliances.
discuss the uses of the identified electrical appliances in the locality.
make flashcards showing the different electrical appliances used in the locality.
What is the difference between conductors and non-conductirs of electricity?
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 135-137.
Digital devices.
Requirements for experiments:dry cells,bulb, copper wire, metallic spoon, aluminum foil, rubber band,steel wool,nail, pencil rib,paper,10 shilling coin etc.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 137-138.
Assessment rubric. Practical work. Checklists. Written test. Oral questions.
4 3
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy -Safety Measures when Dealing with Electrical Appliances.
Electrical Energy - Self-Assessment Questions.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify safety measures when handling Electrical appliances.
Discuss the safety measures when handling electrical appliances.
Design charts with safety measures to adhere to when dealing with electrical appliances.
Desire to observe safety measures when dealing with electrical appliances.
Attempt all the questions on the sub-strand.
In groups,learners are guided to:
study the pictures in learner's book and discuss the dangers which may occur in the pictures.
identify and discuss the safety measures to observe when dealing with electrical appliances.
design charts showing the safety measures to observe when dealing with electrical appliances.
Individually,in pairs,learners to:
answer the questions on the sub-strand.
What are some of the dangers that may occur when dealing with electrical appliances? What are the safety measures that one should observe when dealing with electrical appliances?
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 139-140.
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 140.
Assessment books.
Assessment rubric. Written tests. Oral questions.
4 4
Force and Energy.
Magnetism-Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
Carry out experiments to find out materials that are magnetic or non-magnetic .
Enjoy carrying out experiment on finding out materials that are magnetic or non-magnetic.
Carry out experiments using magnets and different materials from the environment.
Classify the materials in the environment as magnetic or non-magnetic.
Enjoy classifying the materials as either magnetic or non-magnetic.
Identify poles of a magnet
Describe the poles of a magnet.
Carry out an experiment to identify the poles of a magnet.
In groups,learners are guided to:
identify and collect materials from the environment.
carry out practical activity to find out materials that are magnetic or non-magnetic .
draw a table indicating the materials that were attracted by magnet and those not attracted by magnet.
carry out practical activity with materials collected from environment and magnets.
record their observation and classify the materials as either magnetic or non-magnetic.
carry out a practical activity to identify the poles of a magnet.
identify and describe the poles of a magnet.
How do we identify magnetic and non-magnetic materials in our environment?
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 141.
Materials from the environment.
Materials collected from environment.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 142-143.
Digital devices.
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 143-144.
Bar magnet,iron fillings and flour.
Practical work. Oral questions. Observation. Assessment rubric.
4 5
Force and Energy.
Magnetism-Uses of magnets in day to day life.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Differentiate between like ad unlike poles of a magnet.
Investigate the force between like and unlike poles of magnets.
Search for videos and animations on effect between poles of a magnet.
List the equipment that use magnets in our day to day life.
Identify the uses of magnets in day to day life.
Discuss the uses of magnets in day to day life.
Make flashcards and charts showing the equipment that use magnets and their uses.
Appreciate the uses of magnets in day to day life activities.
In groups,learners are guided to:
differentiate between unlike and like poles of a magnet.
carry out a practical activities showing attraction between two unlike poles and repulsion between two like poles of magnet.
record and explain the observations made from the activity.
In groups,learners are guided to;
study the pictures in learner's book and name the equipment that use magnets.
identify and discuss the uses of magnets in day to day life.
make charts and flashcards showing the equipment that uses magnets and their uses.
What is the difference between force of attraction and force of repulsion?
Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies pg 145-146.
Bar magnets, strings and retort stand.
Digital devices
Top Scholar Integrated Science pg 147-148.
Digital devices.
Practical work. Observation. Assessment rubric. Oral questions.
5 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Define the term Excretion.
List the components of the excretory system.
Identify the parts of the human skin.
Draw and label the identified parts of the human skin.
Appreciate the parts of the human skin.
Use the hand lens to observe the back of the hand.
Identify the hairs and the sweat pores.
Search the internet for videos on the structure of the human skin.
Enjoy observing the external parts of the skin using the hand lens
State the functions of the parts of the human skin.
Describe the functions of the parts of the human skin.
Appreciate the functions of the parts of the human skin.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
search the internet or relevant textbook for the meaning of excretion and the components of excretory system and present.
study the charts , picture or photo of the human skin and identify the parts of the human skin.
draw and label the parts of the human skin in their exercise books.
Individually,or in groups,learners are guided to:
use a hand lens to observe the external parts of the human skin (,hair and sweat pores)
identify and describe the hairs and sweat pores as observed through the hand lens and present.
Use digital devices to search for a video on the structure of the human skin and discuss their observation.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
brainstorm on the functions of the parts of the human skin; (Epidermis,Sweat pores,Hair,Sweat glands,dermis)
search the internet or textbook for information on the functions of the parts of the human skin.
discuss and present their findings on the functions of the parts of the human skin.
What is Excretion? What are the components of the human excretory system? which parts of the skin do you know?
Active Integrated Science pg 110.
Digital devices.
Active Integrated Science pg 111.
Hand lens.
Video clips.
Active Integrated Science pg 111-112.
Model of human skin.
Teacher's Notes.
Written tests. Observation. Checklists. Assessment rubric. Oral questions.
5 2
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Outline the functions of the human skin.
Identify the waste products excreted through the human skin.
Carry out an activity to determine the waste products excreted by human skin.
Acknowledge the waste products excreted by the skin.
Identify the parts of the Urinary system.
Draw and label the different parts of the urinary system.
Acknowledge the parts of the urinary system.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to:
outline the other functions of the human skin.
mention the waste products excreted by the human skin.
carry out an activity (running around the field or jogging)outside the class to determine the waste products excreted by the human skin.
discuss the main components of the human sweat.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
Study the chart or picture showing the urinary system.
identify the parts of the urinary system from the chart or pictures presented.
discuss the position of each of the parts of the urinary system.
draw and label the parts of the urinary system in their books and charts.
Which waste products are excreted through the human skin? What are the other functions of the human skin?
Active Integrated Science pg 112-113.
School Field.
Teacher's Notes.
Active Integrated Science pg 113.
Chart showing the urinary system.
Digital devices.
Practical Activity. Observation. Oral questions. Written tests.
5 3
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the external structure of the kidney.
Describe the external structure of the kidney.
Search the internet for a video on the external structure of the kidney.
Acknowledge the functions of the external parts of the kidney.
Identify the components of the urine.
Discuss the waste products excreted through the kidneys.
Search the internet for information on the contents of human urine.
Acknowledge the waste product excreted through the kidney.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
study the chart/model and animation showing the external structure of the kidney.
discuss the functions of the external parts of the kidney.
draw and label the external parts of the kidney.
search the internet for a video on the external structure of the kidney.
mention the waste product excreted through the kidney.
search the contents of human urine from the internet.
discuss their findings from the internet and present in class.
Which blood vessels serve the kidney? What is the function of each of the blood vessels?
Active Integrated Science pg 114-115.
Chart/Model of kidney.
Digital devices.
Video clips.
Active Integrated Science pg 115.
Teacher's Notes.
Assessment rubric. Written tests Oral questions. Oral discussion. Observation.
5 4
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Identify the common kidney disorders.
Discuss the causes of the kidney disorders.
Search the internet for information on the kidney disorders and their causes.
Acknowledge the kidney disorders and their causes.
State the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
Discuss the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
Prepare posters on ways of preventing kidney disorders.
Appreciate the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
Identify some of the healthy lifestyles that promote skin health.
Discuss the healthy lifestyles that promote skin health.
Prepare posters showing healthy lifestyles that promote skin health.
Desire to practice healthy lifestyles to promote skin health.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
use digital devices to search the internet for common kidney disorders and their causes.
describe the kidney disorders.
discuss the kidney disorders and their causes.
prepare online posters on the kidney disorders and their causes and share online.
study the pictures in learner's book and state the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
search the internet for additional information on the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
discuss the ways of preventing kidney disorders.
prepare educative posters both online and physical on ways of preventing kidney disorders.
In groups,learners are guided to;
brainstorm and present on the healthy lifestyles that promote skin health.
search for information from the internet or textbook on the healthy lifestyles that promote skin health.
discuss the healthy lifestyle habits that promote skin health.
prepare educative posters on healthy lifestyle habits that promote skin health using digital devices.
What are the common kidney disorders? What are the causes of kidney disorders?
Active Integrated Science pg 115-116.
Digital devices.
Teacher's Notes.
Picture of the kidney stones.
Active Integrated Science pg 117-118.
Active Integrated Science pg 118.
Observation. Assessment rubric. Checklists. Oral questions. Written tests.
5 5
Living Things and Their Environment.
Human Excretory System.
Human Excretory System.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
State the healthy lifestyles that promote healthy kidneys.
Discuss the healthy lifestyles that promote healthy kidneys.
Prepare posters on the healthy lifestyles that promote kidney health.
Desire to practice the healthy lifestyles to promote healthy kidneys.
Outline the format of daily log on activities that promote skin and kidney health.
Develop and maintain a daily log on activities that promote skin and kidney health.
Develop discipline in maintaining a daily log on activities that promote skin and kidney health.
In groups,learners are guided to;
brainstorm and present on the healthy lifestyle that promote healthy kidneys.
search for information from the internet or textbook on the healthy lifestyles that promote healthy kidneys.
discuss the healthy lifestyles that promote healthy kidneys.
prepare posters showing the healthy lifestyles that promote healthy kidneys.
In groups, individually or in pairs,learners are guided to;
discuss on how to prepare a daily log on activities that promote skin and kidney health.
develop a daily log on the activities that promote skin and kidney health.
Which healthy lifestyles habits can we practice to promote healthy kidneys?
Active Integrated Science pg 119.
Digital devices.
Teacher's Notes.
Exercise books.
Active Integrated Science pg 117-119.
Written tests. Assessment rubric. Checklists. Oral questions. Oral discussion.
6 1
Living Things and Their Environment.
Force and Energy.
Human Excretory System: Assessment.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
lesson, be able to;
Attempt assessment questions on the sub-strand: Human Excretory System.
Identify the sources of electricity in the environment.
Discuss the sources of electricity in the environment.
Search the internet for information on the sources of electricity.
Appreciate the different sources of electricity.
In pairs or individually,learners are guided to;
answer the questions on the sub-strand: Human Excretory System.
In groups,learners are guided to;
study the pictures in the learner's book and identify the some of the sources of electricity.
search the internet for information on how the sources of electricity in nature works (hydro-electric power,geothermal,solar and wind power) and note down their findings.
discuss the information found on the sources of electricity used in the environment.
Assessment books.
Active Integrated Science pg 122-123.
Teacher's Assessment Questions.
Active Integrated Science pg 136-137.
Digital devices.
Teacher's notes.
Written tests. Assessment rubric.
6 2
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
Electrical Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the sources of electricity in the environment.
Discuss the sources of electricity in the environment.
Search the internet for information on the sources of electricity in the environment.
Appreciate the different sources of electricity in the environment.
Define the term electrical circuit.
Discuss the components of the electrical circuit.
Search the internet for video clips on how to make a simple electrical circuit in series and parallel.
Desire to make electrical circuits in series and parallel.
Outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
Demonstrate the flow of electric current using simple electric circuit in series.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in series.
In groups,pairs,learners are guided to;
identify the sources of electricity in the environment from pictures/photos.
use digital devices or print media to search for information on the nuclear,tidal wave, fossil fuels,biomass, natural gas, electrical cells as sources of electricity.
note down their findings in exercise books.
discuss the sources of electricity in the environment (electrical cells, biomass, natural gas,tidal wave, fossil fuels and nuclear)
In groups,learners are guided to;
use digital devices to search the internet for clips on making a simple electrical circuit.
state the meaning of an electrical circuit.
list the components used in making a simple electrical circuit.
discuss the functions of the components of the electrical circuit.
prepare the requirements for the activity.
outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in which dry cells are in series.
collaborate in setting up a simple electrical circuit in series using electrical apparatus.
What are the sources of electricity in the environment?
Active Integrated Science pg 136-137.
Teacher's notes
Digital devices.
Active Integrated Science pg 138-139.
Video clips.
Active Integrated Science pg 139.
Two dry cells,torch bulb, ammeter, switch,cell holder,bulb holder and six connecting wires.
Assessment rubrics. Oral questions. Checklists. Written tests.
6 3
Force and Energy
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
Demonstrate the flow of electric current using simple circuit in parallel.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
Outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in series.
Demonstrate flow of electric current using simple electric circuit in which bulbs are in series.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in series.
In groups,learners are guided to;
prepare the requirements for the practical activity.
outline the steps for setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
collaborate in setting up a simple electrical circuit in parallel.
In groups, learners are guided to:
collaborate in setting up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in series.
record and discuss their observations.
What is the difference between the series and parallel arrangement of cells?
Active Integrated Science pg 139-140.
Two dry cells,torch bulb, ammeter, switch,cell holder,bulb holder, eight connecting wires.
Digital devices.
Active Integrated Science pg 140.
Two dry cells,two torch bulbs, ammeter, voltmeter, switch,cell holder,two bulb holders and seven connecting wires.
Practical Activity. Portfolio. Checklists. Observation. Assessment rubrics.
6 4
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy
Electrical Energy
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Outline the steps of setting up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in parallel.
Set up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in parallel.
Enjoy setting up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are parallel.
Differentiate between a conductor and non-conductor of electricity.
Conduct experiments to classify materials as either conductors or non-conductors of electricity.
Enjoy carrying out the experiments.
In groups,learners are guided to;
prepare the requirements for the practical activity.
use the requirements prepared to set up a simple electrical circuit in which bulbs are in parallel.
record and discuss their observations.
perform experiments to classify materials as either conductors or non-conductors of electricity.
state the difference between conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
list the conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
What is the difference between the arrangement of the bulbs in series and parallel?
Active Integrated Science pg 140-141.
Digital devices.
Two dry cells,two torch bulbs, ammeter, voltmeter, switch,cell holder,two bulb holders and eight connecting wires.
Active Integrated Science pg 141-142.
Two dry cells, torch bulb,dry cell holder,bulb holder,three connecting wires.
Objects made of different materials e.g plastic strip, silver coin, piece of wood, piece of paper,iron nail, piece of cloth, aluminium strip, copper wire, steel pin & piece of glass.
Practical activity. Oral questions. Assessment rubric. Observation. Checklists.
6 5
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy.
Electrical Energy.
Electrical Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term Electrical appliances.
Identify common electrical appliances used in day to day life.
Discuss the use of each of the identified electrical appliances used in our day to day life.
Appreciate the use of electricity in our day to day life.
Identify the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances.
Discuss the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances.
Prepare posters showing the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances.
Acknowledge and adhere to the safety measures when handling electrical appliances at home or school.
Explore the uses of electricity in our environment.
Appreciate the uses of electricity in day to day life.
In pairs or groups,learners are guided to;
study pictures in learner's book and identify the electrical appliances by name and share in class.
state and discuss the uses of each of the identified electrical appliances.
search the internet for uses of some of the electrical appliances.
In groups, pairs, learners are guided to;
read through the user manuals of various electrical appliances and look for the safety measures to observe when handling them.
search online or in print materials for the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances.
discuss the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances at home or school.
collaborate in preparing posters showing the safety measures to observe when handling electrical appliances and display in class or school.
In groups,learners to:
collaborate in discussing how people use electricity in their locality.
write down their discussion points and share/present their points in class.
Which devices or instruments at your home or school use electricity? What do you use each of the devices or instruments for?
Active Integrated Science pg 142-143.
Digital devices.
Lesson notes.
Active Integrated Science pg 144-145.
Digit devices.
Electronic devices manuals.
Active Integrated Science pg 145-146.
Checklists. Oral questions. Written tests. Observation.
7 1
Force and Energy.
Electrical Energy. Self-Assessment.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Attempt questions on the sub-strand: Electrical Energy.
Identify the properties of a magnet.
use digital devices to search for information on the properties of magnets.
Appreciate the properties of magnets.
Individually or in pairs,learners to:
write and answer questions on the sub-strand: Electrical Energy.
In. groups or pairs ,learners are guided to:
brainstorm on the meaning of magnet and present in class.
use digital devices to search for information on the properties of magnets and note them down.
discuss the properties of the magnets.
Active Integrated Science pg 147.
Digital devices.
Lesson notes.
Written tests. Assessment rubric.
7 2
Force and Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Conduct activities to demonstrate directional,attractive and repulsive as properties of magnets.
Enjoy carrying out the activities.
Conduct a practical activity on the poles and magnetic strength properties of magnets.
Explain their observation made from the activities.
Enjoy conducting the practical activities.
conduct an activity to investigate the nature of force between different poles of magnets.
Enjoy conducting the practical activity on the basic law of magnetism.
In groups,learners are guided to:
prepare the necessary materials for the activities.
collaborate in carrying out the activities to demonstrate properties of a magnet (attractive and repulsive and directional)
observe and record their observations.
explain their observations and give a conclusion.
collaboratively carry out activities to demonstrate properties of a magnet (poles and magnetic strength properties)
In groups, learners are guided to;
collaborate in conducting a practical activity to investigate the force between like and unlike poles of magnets.
explain their observation and give a conclusion.
How can you demonstrate the properties of magnets?
Bar magnets.
Strings and Stands.
Digital devices.
Active Integrated Science pg 149.
Paper and Iron filings.
Active Integrated Science pg 150-151.
Practical Activity. Observation schedule. Checklist.
7 3
Force and Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Conduct a practical activity to identify the magnetic and non-magnetic materials in the environment.
Classify materials as magnetic or non-magnetic .
Enjoy conducting the practical activity.
Identify the uses of magnets in day to day life.
Use digital devices to search for information on the uses of magnets in our daily lifes.
Appreciate the applications of magnets in day to day life.
In groups,learners are guided to:
collaborate in carrying out practical activities to determine the magnetic and non-magnetic materials in the environment.
observe and record their observations.
classify the materials that are magnetic and non-magnetic and share their work with peers.
In groups,learners to are guided to:
brainstorm on the uses of magnets in their day to day life.
search the internet or offline for information on the uses of magnets in their daily life.
discuss the uses of magnets in our daily life and present in class.
Which materials are magnetic and non-magnetic in the environment?
Active Integrated Science pg 148.
Bar magnets.
Pieces of cotton thread, copper wire,iron nail,a piece of glass.
Plastic,Steel pin, Piece of aluminium, piece of wood.
Active Integrated Science PG 151-155.
Lesson notes.
Digital resources.
Practical work. Observation. Checklists. Oral questions.
7 4
Force and Energy.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Conduct simple activities to determine the uses of magnets
Appreciate the use of magnets in our daily life.
Conduct simple activities to determine the uses of magnets in our daily life.
Enjoy conducting the practical activities.
Use digital devices to search and watch clips on the applications of magnets in our daily life.
Enjoy exploring the application of magnets on the internet.
Attempt assessment questions on the sub-strand: Magnetism.
In groups,learners are guided to:
carry out a simple activity on separation of mixtures using magnet,determing direction.
observe and record their observations.
share their views on the practical activity.
In groups,learners are guided to;
collaborate in conducting simple practical activities on uses of magnets (use of magnets in speakers, magnetic screwdriver & in displaying objects)
share their findings with peers.
collaborate in using digital devices to find video clips and information on the applications of magnets (generators, electric motors,speakers, separation of mixtures and in magnetic screwdriver).
discuss their observations and share with peers.
Individually or in pairs,learners are guided to:
answer assessment questions on the sub-strand: Magnetism.
How are magnets used in day to day life?
Active Integrated Science pg 151-152.
Mixture of iron fillings and sand or flour.
Bar magnets, piece of thread, magnetic compass and wooden support.
Speakers, Magnetic screwdriver.
Bar magnet.
Sheet of paper, piece of iron sheet and electrical device with screws.
Active Integrated Science pg 153-154.
Active Integrated Science pg 151-155.
Digital resources.
Active Integrated Science pg 156.
Teacher's Assessment Questions.
Practical work. Oral questions. Observation schedule. Checklists.

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