
Form 1 2024

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Opening of school

2 1
Nutrition in plants and animals
The chloroplast
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the adaptation of the chloroplasts to their function
Draw and label the structure of the chloroplast
Drawing and labelling
Class notes
Class text book
KLB Biology book one page 52-53
2 2
Nutrition in plants and animals
Practical activity
The process of photosynthesis
The light stage of photosynthesis
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain how chloroplasts are adapted to their photosynthetic functions
Explain the stomata distribution in the leaf
Explain the function of the guard cells in the leaf
Define photosynthesis
Name the two general stages of photosynthesis
Describe the raw materials for the photosynthesis
Write a balanced equation of photosynthesis process
Describe what happens in the light stage of photosynthesis
Explain the photolysis of water process
Observation and recording
Questions and answers
Definition of terms
Balancing of the equation
Leaves of zebrine and kales, microscope, microscope slides, a pair of forceps, water, a dropper and coverslip
Class notes
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page 52-53
2 3-4
Nutrition in plants and animals
The dark stake of photosynthesis
Presence of starch in a leaf
Presence of starch in a leaf
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Effects of light to photosynthesis
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain carbon(iv) oxide fixation process
Describe the products of the light independent stage in photosynthesis
Explain why it was necessary to use a leaf that had been exposed to light for a few hours
Explain why the fresh leaf was dipped in boiling water
Explain why the leaf was dicolourised
Explain why the methylated spirit was boiled indirectly
Name the main factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis
Describe the effect of the named factors in the rate of photosynthesis
Illustrate the effect of a named factor to photosynthesis rate
Explain why was the plant kept in the dark for 48 hours
Describe why was it necessary to transfer the plant to light
Discuss the role of the light proof paper
Observation and recording
Questions and answer
Observation and recording
Class notes
Water, dropper, beaker, source of heat, boiling tube, leaf, petri dish/white tiles
Class notes
Methylated spirit, iodine solution, water, white tile, droppers, beaker, source of heat, boiling tube, light proof material, potted plant and clips
KLB Biology book one
Explore biology book one
KLB Biology book one page 55-56
Explore biology book one
3 1
Nutrition in plants and animals
Effects of carbon (IV) oxide in photosynthesis
Gas produced during photosynthesis
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the necessity of carbon (IV) oxide in photosynthesis
Describe the function of the sodium hydroxide pellets in the experiment
Explain why was the leaf outside the flask also tested for starch
Distinguish between variegated and non-variegated leaves
Comment on the distribution of starch in the leaf
Compare the distribution of stomata on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf
Name the gas produced during photosynthesis
Explain why sodium hydrogen carbonate was used during the experiment
Explain why only submerged water plants are used instead of terrestrial plants in the experiment
Observation and recording
Questions and answers
Conical flasks, potted plants, sodium hydroxide pellets, corks, blades, petroleum jelly, iodine solution, methylated spirit, water, beakers, droppers, white tiles, boiling tubes, source of heat
Variegated leaves, iodine solution, methylated spirit, white tile, water, boiling tubes, beakers, droppers, source of heat
Water plant, glass funnels, beakers, small wooden blocks, test tubes, wooden splints and sodium hydrogen carbonate
KLB Biology book one page 57-58
3 2
Nutrition in plants and animals
Chemical compounds in living organisms
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Distinguish between chemicals of life and biochemistry
Explain carbohydrates and its elements
Name the three types of carbohydrates
Describe monosaccharides
Name the types of simple carbohydrates
Describe the properties of monosaccharides
Explain the functions of monosaccharides
Describe the disaccharides
Write balanced equations of the examples of the disaccharides
Questions and answers
Balancing equations
Class notes
Class notes
Class text book
KLB Biology book one page 59
Explore biology book one
3 3-4
Nutrition in plants and animals
Test for starch
Test for a reducing sugar
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the similarities between monosaccharides and disaccharides
Explain the properties of disaccharides
Explain the hydrolysis process
Explain the functions of the disaccharides
Describe polysaccharides
Name the polysaccharides in plants and animals
Describe starch as an example of polysaccharides found in plants
Explain the requirements in the test for the starch
Explain the role of the starch in the living organisms
Describe the colour change for starch
Describe the colour changes for the reducing sugars
Explain the requirements in the tests for reducing sugars
Questions and answers
Questions and answer
Observation and recording
Observation and recording
Class notes
Class notes
Class notes
Starch powder, test-tubes, measuring cylinder, dropper, iodine solution, distilled water, spatula and means of heating
Glucose solution, benedict
KLB Biology book one page 60-61
Explore biology book one
KLB Biology book one page 61


5 1
Nutrition in plants and animals
Test for non-reducing sugar
Properties of lipids
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the colour changes for non-reducing sugars
Explain the requirements in the test for non
Name the types of lipids and their sources
Describe the examples of complex lipids and their sources
Explain the condensation process of lipids formation
Explain what happens when fat is heated
Describe the overall properties of lipids
Illustrate diagrammatically the process of fat formation
Observation and recording
Questions and answers
Sucrose, test tubes, benedict solution, dilute hydrochloric acid, sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, hot water bath, dropper measuring cylinder
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page 63
Practical manual
5 2
Nutrition in plants and animals
Functions of the lipids
Testing for the presence of lipids
Testing for the presence of lipids
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Name the functions of the lipids
Describe the named functions of the lipids
Explain the test for the presence of lipids using the grease spot test
Explain the requirements in the test for starch using the grease spot test
Explain the test for the presence of lipids using the emulsion test
Explain the requirements in the test for starch using the emulsion test
Questions and answers
Observation and recording
Questions and answers
Class notes
Fat or oil, filter paper and Bunsen burner
Fat or oil, ethanol, test tubes, measuring cylinder
KLB Biology book one page 63-64
Explore biology book one
5 3-4
Nutrition in plants and animals
Test for proteins
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the proteins
Discuss the protein synthesis diagrammatically
Explain the condensation process of protein formation
Explain dipeptide molecule, peptide bond and amino acids sequence
Describe the properties of the proteins
Describe the requirements in the test for the proteins
Explain the colour change during the test for the protein
Define the term enzymes
Name the two types of the enzymes
Describe the naming of the enzymes
Describe the properties of enzymes
Name the factors which affect enzyme controlled reactions
Explain the named factors which affect the enzyme controlled reactions
Name the factors that affect the enzyme controlled reactions
Questions and answers
Observation and recording
Definition of terms
Questions and answer
Questions and answer
Class notes
Class text book
Class notes
Class notes
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page 65
Explore biology book one
KLB Biology book one page 66
6 1
Nutrition in plants and animals
Enzyme co-factors and co-enzymes
Enzyme inhibitors
Factors affecting enzymes activities
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the enzyme co-factors and enzyme co-enzyme
Explain the concept of the enzyme inhibitors
Name the two types of the enzyme inhibitors
Describe the competitive and non-competitive inhibitors
Discuss the importance of enzymes
Explain the requirements in the test for the factors affecting enzyme activities
Explain the results in the test for the enzymes in starch and reducing sugars
Describe why the temperature in the test tubes was maintained at 370c
Questions and answer
Observation and recording
Class notes
Class notes
Test tubes, white tile, test tube holder, dropper, distilled water, benedict solution, iodine solution, water bath, source of heat, thermometer, measuring cylinders, amylase solution, soluble starch powder
KLB Biology book one page 69
Explore biology book one
6 2
Nutrition in plants and animals
Factors affecting enzymes activities
Effects of PH on enzyme activities
Catalase in living tissues
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain the requirements in the test for the factors affecting enzyme activities
Explain the results in the test for the enzymes in starch and reducing sugars
Describe why the temperature in the test tubes was maintained at 370c
Explain the changes in the test tubes
Explain the aspect of the enzyme properties being investigated in the experiment
Describe the requirements in the test for the effects of pH on enzyme activity
Describe the enzyme catalase and its role in the tissues of living things
Explain the requirements in the test for the enzymes catalase in living tissues
Observation and recording
Questions and answers
Test tubes, white tile, test tube holder, dropper, distilled water, benedict solution, iodine solution, water bath, source of heat, thermometer, measuring cylinders, amylase solution, soluble starch powder
Water bath, egg albumen suspension, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, test tubes, pepsin solution, means of heating, measuring cylinder
Fresh liver, fresh kidney, hair, seeds, leaves, hydrogen peroxide, test tubes, wooden splints, means of heating, scalpel blade, measuring cylinders, labels
KLB Biology book one page 70- 71
Practical manual
6 3-4
Nutrition in plants and animals
Nutrition in animals
Dental formula
Dental formula
Dentition of a sheep
Structure of a tooth
Dental diseases Dental carries and periodontal diseases
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the terms heterotrophism and heterotrophs
Describe what is holozoic, saprophytism, parasitism and symbiosis
Describe the relationship between heterotrophism and autotrophic organisms
Name the main categories of the animals
Describe the four different types of teeth in animals
Describe what is dental formula
Explain the dental formula in herbivores
Name the main types of teeth in herbivores
Describe the dental formula in carnivores
Explain the adaptation of the carnassial teeth to their functions
Explain the dental formula in omnivores
Describe how the omnivores teeth are adapted to their function
Illustrate dentition and dental formula of a dog
Draw and label the different types of teeth in sheep
Explain the dentition and the dental formula of the sheep
Describe the structure of the tooth
Draw the vertical section through the incisor tooth and the molar tooth
Describe what is tooth decay
Explain the causes of the tooth decay
Illustrate the progressive stages in tooth decay
Name the examples of the periodontal diseases
Explain what is dental carries and periodontal diseases
Describe the causes and the control of the dental carriers and periodontal diseases
Definition of terms
Questions and answers
Observation and recording
Drawing and labelling
Drawing and labelling
Class notes
Class notes
Practical manual
Skull of a fish
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page 72
Explore biology book one
KLB Biology book one page 74-75
Explore biology book one
7 1
Nutrition in plants and animals
Dental hygiene
Digestive system in animals
Digestive system in animals
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe what is meant by the term dental hygiene
Explain the measures to observe for proper care of the teeth
Describe the digestive system and its components
Draw and label the structure of the alimentary canal
Describe the digestive system of the carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Draw and label a transverse section of the gut wall of a mammal
Description drawing and labelling
Drawing and labelling
Class notes
Class text book
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page 78
7 2
Nutrition in plants and animals
Food processing along the digestive tract
Digestion in the mouth
Digestion in the stomach
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the term ingestion, egestion and digestion
Name the regions where food digestion occurs along the digestive tract
Distinguish between ingestion and mastication
Describe the mastication process
Describe the three pairs of the salivary glands in the mouth
Describe digestion process in the mouth
Define the term peristalsis
Illustrate diagrammatically peristalsis process
Explain the digestion process in the stomach
Name the components of the gastric juice
Describe the role of the components of gastric juice in the food digestion
Questions and answers
Questions and answer
Class notes
Class notes
KLB Biology book one page
7 3-4
Nutrition in plants and animals
Digestion in the duodenum
Emulsification of the fat
Digestion in the ileum
Mineral salts
Energy requirements in human beings
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Describe the process of the food digestion in the duodenum
Name the secretions organs of the liver and their functions
Explain the components of the pancreatic juice and their role in digestion
Describe what is emulsification
Explain the requirements in the test for the emulsification of the fat
Describe the digestion process in the ileum
Name the four enzymes present in the succus entericus
Explain the role of the intestinal juice in food digestion in the ileum
Describe what is absorption
Explain the adaptation of the ileum to food absorption
Draw and label the structure of the villi
Describe what happens in the caecum and appendix
Explain what is assimilation
Explain how different food types are assimilated or utilized in the body
Describe what are vitamins
Explain the sources and uses of the given vitamins
Discuss the deficiency diseases associated with the lack of given vitamins
Describe the mineral salts and their role in the human body
Explain the given mineral salts elements and their sources
Give examples of the important mineral salts in the human body
Explain the role of roughage in the human body
Name the factors that affect energy requirements in human beings
Describe how the named factors influence energy requirements in the human beings
Questions and answer
Observation and recording
Drawing and labelling
Questions and answers
Class text book
Class notes
Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
Cooking oil, water, test tubes, ruler and measuring cylinder
Class notes
Class notes
Class text
KLB Biology book one page 81
KLB Biology book one page 83-84
Explore biology book one



Closing of school

Your Name Comes Here

